Today’s figure is very much NFSW – Rocket Boy’s Dva. Definitely not Blizzard’s D.Va.
Want to vote on which figures you’d like to see in the Official vs Bootleg series? Head over to the OvB voting site!
MSRP (without tax): ¥14,455
Price I paid for the official (inc shipping): ¥18,640 (£124.04)
Price I paid for the bootleg (inc shipping): $22.60 (£17.17)
The official figure I preordered.
When I was taking these photos, I apparently decided to have the bootleg box on the left instead of the right. Not sure why I did that, and it isn’t as if I could accidentally mix them up! Well, now you can see why I chose to label the images instead of relying on convention!

The bootleg certainly lacks the subtlety of the original! No hiding what you’re buying here, though this choice does make it questionable for instore sale. Well, at least you get to see what you’re buying?
As well as the large window that has been added, the “DVA” text has been shrunk and moved into the corner so it isn’t cut off by the window, and the details are printed in white instead of silver. The bootleg box is looking worse for wear as it was shipped flat.

Close to being a copy, barring the print colour difference and the logo is slightly lower down.

As far as I can tell, pretty much a copy here, though the bootleg print quality has left the writing slightly blurry. Interestingly, the official box has a sticker over the figure details in the top right – I guess a mistake was made and only noticed after the boxes had been produced. Not particularly inclined to peel the sticker off, so not entirely sure what’s underneath, though from it naturally peeling off slightly, I can actually see there is writing underneath – I can see the “S” of MELONBOOKS” underneath.
The sticker on the bootleg box is a control sticker for the AliExpress seller – underneath is the proper barcode, but this sticker wouldn’t come off when I tried to peel it (will likely take the top layer of cardboard off with it), so I can’t photograph that directly.
One interesting thing of note is they’ve left the “Rocket Boy” logo alone and not removed it.

If it weren’t for the white print, the bootleg would be a copy. Also note the official box is sealed with 3 round pieces of tape.

Apparently I was having a dozy day the day I took these, and the official box is on its side. They are actually the same (or very similar) dimensions. Not too much to see here, other than the round tape on the official. The reflections show a more premium finish to the official box, but that’d likely be hard to notice without them side by side.
Now to get the bootleg figure out of the box:

Mm, yes. Some professional packing here – and the state of the blister made it hard to do the box shots. The arm was floating around in the blister and fell out when I was unwrapping it from the shipping bag.
Before we get onto the figures themselves, let’s look at the accessories they came with. For the bootleg, these came in a clear plastic baggie shoved in the bottom of the blister, the official ones were wrapped in an opaque black purpose-made bag. I think the official had her pasties already on, but it was quite some time ago I unboxed her (I preordered her) so I cannot remember for certain.
Front of the pasties:

The official ones are a nice, smooth shape and very reflective (hello me!). And the bootleg ones… are roughly cut and a horrible texture on top. The paint doesn’t look like it took too well to the metal, and they’re generally kind of unpleasant-looking to me.
Do the backs fare any better?

No. Absolutely not. No. The officials look fine, but the bootleg’s are very rusty. It would be very unlikely this happened in shipping as she was shipped in a plastic mailer, so my best guess is they’re churning them out of the factory in this state… Just say no to these bootleg pasties. The only thing that’s going for them is they are magnetic, but I definitely wouldn’t want to use these as a replacement if I lost/damaged one of my official ones.
Arm bangle:

The bootleg lacks the lustre of the original, but is a close copy. Maybe a tiny fractional bit smaller, but not really noticeable.
Leg bangle:

Paint has the same difference, but the seams are a little bit rougher here on the bootleg. With the bootleg bangle, it is more flexible plastic than the official one, which will feature later.
Vagina front:

The official one is painted up OK, and the paint lines are largely neat whilst the bootleg has lots of overrun on the black paint, as well as missing some in the top left. The red shading has been given less detail on the bootleg, and the pubic area doesn’t have any shading, whilst the official does some light pinkish tones added in.

The official has the black paint extending around the edges so that the flesh tones don’t get a chance to show when assembled. The paint isn’t very neat back here, but it’s not a visible area when attached to the figure. The bootleg has zero additional paint back here.
Penis with condom:

The paint sades of the condoms aren’t massively different – the official has a bit of a brighter shade. Some of the fine detail of the moulding has been lost – notably the crease at the base of the condom. The bootleg comes with bonus paint dirt (or maybe a freckle?) just above the testes. Oh, and a bonus STD – plenty of pink paint on the vagina part for seemingly no reason.
Alternate angle:

Here we can see a bunch of black paint slop on the side of the bootleg – not great. We’ve also got a bit of a paint flaw on the original on the base of the condom :(. Again, the black paint on the official extends around to ensure there isn’t a flesh-toned line where one isn’t wanted and the bootleg paint just ends. Looking at the tip of the condom, the bootleg’s seems to be slightly foreshortened and not as rounded as its official counterpart.
Penis without condom:

Here is where the skin colours are pretty obviously different between the official and bootleg – with the bootleg being a yellowy shade and the official being more white/pink toned. If you think the official version had an angry, purple head then it has nothin’ on the bootleg. Bootleg also comes with a free “freckle” and ball dirt. We’ve got less of a raging STD here in the vagina, but still some redness to the bootleg that doesn’t look good.
Alternate angle:

The black edging paint is consistent to the same styles as the parts previous. The gradient of the red head is slightly longer on the official. The paint is layered on too thick on the bootleg, making the poorly-replicated sculpt look even worse. Yeah, definitely preferring the original on this one.
One more thing before we move onto the main event – the base. So… can we tell these apart?

Um, just slightly. For the official, we have some nicely-sculpted sand, though it doesn’t have shading. And for the bootleg? A roughly-hewn “circle” that has been folded up strangely, and given a suspicious yellow stain (if you can’t see it, look to the fold on the left-hand side heading towards the top left). I suspect this is some of the rust off of the pasties, as this was in same bag as the rest of the accessories. This thing also sheds bits of feathers, so I should imagine it’d eventually go bald. About the best I can say about it is that it’s fluffy – there really isn’t much redeeming about this. This figure was designed with the butt-divot base in mind, so this furry shape doesn’t support the figure well so it isn’t great from a functional perspective either.
Size comparison:

The bootleg base isn’t quite as big as the official. Also nowhere near as circular.
Figure spin-around
OK, so the accessories didn’t get us off to the best start. Let’s have a quick look at the figure from various angles:

We can immediately see that the bootleg is much more tan, and has a weird silvery shading to her hair. Also the bootleg’s thong has seemed to have “snapped”… wardrobe malfunction incoming! The paintwork is also obviously bad on her left side.
The bootleg is also sitting up straighter than the official – this is more because the hair became deformed in transit, which means it supports the bootleg into sitting upright more. If you were to put the bootleg’s hair back where it is supposed to be she’d likely rock onto her side like the official.
Figure close-ups
Before we delve into the figure further, this is how the bootleg’s hair came out of the box:

Yeah, can’t exactly do the review with her hair like this, so I heated it and bent it back into position. To set it, I rinsed it under the cold tap, so you may see a bit of water on the bootleg in a couple of photos (I spent a fair amount of time drying her off with some kitchen roll… but apparently not long enough). The bends in the hair likely happened in transit due to the poor packaging and the length of time spent sat in the blister.
Figures on their bases:

The official base I still feel is sort of plain, but some time and attention has been put into it to add scuffs in the sand and make the stand support the figure. I think the idea of the furry base is a nice alternative though it doesn’t fit thematically with it being a beach figure. The one provided with the bootleg is very poor quality though, so not something I’d want to use.

For the official, we have purple-brown hair, with lighter colouring on her fringe. The fringe cuts across evenly above her eyes. And the bootleg? We have definitely purple hair, with silver shading, and her fringe is at uneven levels above her eyes. With the official, we have some shading around her eyes and underneath her fringe which is entirely absent on the bootleg. The bootleg seems to have slightly rounder eyes and more contrasting colours for the iris. The bootleg’s mouth is also crooked, which gives her different expression which feels less friendly to me.
With the moulding on the hair and the bow, there’s a bit of flashing left over on the bootleg, though not the worst as far as bootlegs go. The bootleg also has some random paint splotches on her arm above the cuff, which gives it a bit of an odd appearance.

The official is a bit more vividly-coloured, and has some curling around the edges. The sculpt on the bootleg has lost some of the depth, making look a bit flatter.
Though the bootleg has one additional “action feature” – you can remove her left arm, even though there is no need to do so:

Here we get a better look of the bootleg figure’s hair flower, should you wish for it. On the official, only the right arm is removable so you can put her bangle on.
Top of her head:

The official’s seams are more visible than I’d like, but the bootleg’s are even worse. The edges of the parts on the bootleg seem to have deformed slightly, which emphasises the poor construction. The colours from the top don’t seem as wildly different as the front. The bootleg’s fingers on her left hand are bent unnaturally, which makes her look a bit freakish. It’s likely possible to fix this, but I’m not going to bother. Plastic on the bootleg seems very prone to being bent.
Back of her hair:

The shading is a lot more smooth on the official than it is the bootleg. Bootleg also features more shininess and flashing. Due to the plastic used for the hair on the bootleg it has curled and clumped up, which means it misses the refined look of the official. Unlike the Jibril figure I compared, I believe this can be fixed if you have enough time and patience to straighten it all out as it should be, but it will likely be prone to bending again in future. The clumped hair is also helping her sit up in the pose she’s supposed to be in.
Getting closer to the bottom of the bootleg’s hair:

Here’s a clearer shot showing some of the bending. Just to the right of her arm we can see where a piece of hair is bent so much we can actually see the face that should facing towards the floor.

For the official, we have some large, slightly shiny breasts. On the bootleg, they’re less shiny and the paint is weirdly powdery. The areola is also a bit overly pink.
If we look to just below the chest, we can see where the bootleg has been poorly constructed – between the bootleg’s breasts they’ve added some peach shading, which doesn’t either continue to the lower part or tail off before it meets the join, making her look very disjointed. Again, the parts don’t match up well here on the bootleg, and we have a small gap between the parts. On the official, the join is hidden well at the cord around her body. Talking about the cord, the official has a cute bow in the middle, but the bootleg has a fairly indistinct mess that looks more like a knot. I don’t mind the more tan skin colour of the bootleg, however the paint shades chose to “match” with it for the shading don’t fit.
Moving to just above the chest to the collar part – on the left side of the photo, we can see where the black linework didn’t go very well on the bootleg. This part would be hard to replicate at speed, so not surprised that this part has ended up a mess.
Right-arm cuff:

The paint isn’t as nice as I would like on the official, but it still beats out the bootleg. The lower band on the bootleg doesn’t extend down to the bottom, giving it an unfinished look. The white band along the middle wasn’t painted with enough paint, which means it lacks distinct edges and the black shows through a bit too much. On the official, the white bits have been done with a pearlescent finish, which is absent from the bootleg.
Left leg:

The bootleg’s leg is a bit more curled in, which means her toes are now behind her other foot. The ribbon hasn’t been painted on well for the bootleg, and looks a lot worse than the official.
If you remember earlier in the review saying the bangles were bendier for the bootleg, and that being a relatively good thing? The official comes apart like this so you can put the bangle on:

But the bootleg has no such joint. Tried tugging and inspecting it – nope, no joint. For the bootleg, the bangle is just flexible enough so you can get it around her heel. I guess the person who reverse-engineered the bootleg assumed that the bangles went on the arms (hence both being removable) and didn’t look at the pictures which shows it going on the leg. Oops.
Leg bow:

For the official, the bow matches the ribbon colour and style… as it should. On the bootleg it doesn’t match whatsoever, entirely ruining its appearance. The bow also looks smaller and more deformed. Certainly one of the weaker parts of the bootleg figure.
Leg cuff:

The official has a printing error, where the band doesn’t match up, but other than that, it’s decently done. The bootleg on the other hand, the scallops are very uneven and have a lot of flashing still attached. And to complete the look, we have a very unevenly painted black band. Looks like I tried to paint it :P.
Left side:

Well… not much of a competition here. For the official, we have some nicely sculpted strings painted in black, which look like they should. With the bootleg, an attempt was made… Starting with the glaring error where the paint doesn’t even match up. Even on the upper X, the lines don’t quite meet up as they should. For the string on the panties, on the bootleg it looks like it is digging in very painfully – that’s some serious deformation going on there.
Let’s get a closer look at that bit by her boob:

… wat. Really not sure what’s going on with the bootleg here, but it looks like a piece is missing. As we can see on the official, the skin is even and joins up so it looks natural. On the bootleg we have a straight-up missing chunk, and the body just isn’t joined up well.
The other side of the bootleg seems to have the same issue, but not as pronounced:

Yeah… not great :/.
Right leg:

With the bootleg, we have a gouge and a bunch of scratchy defects. These may not be present on all of the bootleg copies, but shows that not much care was taken when constructing this figure, so such defects are possible. The leg isn’t joined at all well on the bootleg, and just looks like a mess. The leg doesn’t meet this band properly, which just makes it look odd and out of place. The skin also lacks the fine shading that the official has, making her skin look flatter.
Right leg bow:

Her we can see that the bootleg has lost a lot of the finer details that the official has. The band hasn’t been cut away properly on the bootleg, which is probably why the assembly ended up poor – on the official we can see where the ribbon tapers as it is pulled into the bow, and on the bootleg they’ve left a bunch of the plastic attached so it doesn’t taper, which would mean the parts wouldn’t fit together right if they were otherwise similar copies.

Here we have a nicely-shaded, rounded bum for the official. The g-string disappears into her bum, but you don’t see this angle of the figure when displayed.
However, it looks like the bootleg’s been rolling around in the dirt, and we have a lot of warehouse/factory dirt here. Not entirely sure how cleanable this is. There was an attempt made for the g-string, but it’s not a very good one – it doesn’t meet up with the front of the panties properly, and it is uneven. We also have a visible seam on her left leg, which isn’t visible/present on the official.
Accessory try-on
Now to see what her various accessories look like attached.
Let’s start off with the pasties:

The bootleg ones don’t look too bad attached, and they do the job. Still much prefer the originals though.
No genitalia attached:

Here we can see where the thong strings don’t properly finish in the right place on the bootleg, which leaves it looking like her thong is falling off, no matter what genitalia you have attached.
Interestingly, the holes are different sizes – the bootleg’s is larger than the official – meaning the genital accessories can’t be mixed and matched.

Well, the bootleg fits, but doesn’t look very good. Paint’s a mess and doesn’t have the pearlescent finish of the official. The bootleg parts don’t fit as tightly as the official, which does make them easier to swap at the expense of some angles having gaps… Not a trade-off that is worth it imo.
As this is the first option, let’s have a look at the rest of the strings holding her panties on – on her right-hand side we can see that string that cuts way too deeply into her. None of the strings appear to match up with the lines on the rings, entirely spoiling the appearance of the thong. The bow on her right-hand side isn’t even complete, and is missing one of the ‘tails’. Yeah, not really sold here.

This angle shows the gapping on the bootleg – unless you’re viewing it straight-on, this is the kind of thing you see. Here we can see the official has tiny bits of fabric painted in the triangles, but the bootleg is just flesh-coloured. Not a massive difference, tbh.
Penis with condom:

Maybe a bare penis is just too lewd for you… or you want her to look like the original artwork. Whichever, this option is for you. The penis options fare better on the bootleg, as the penis does hide the area where it attaches somewhat. At least the skin colours match on these accessories, which can’t be said about every bootleg and their accessories.

For the person who wants it all. Well, it works.
So all four genitalia accessories work on the bootleg, without them falling out or plain not-fitting, so it has that going for them.
Here’s a couple of bonus photos showing the full figure with the vagina and penis attached:

Just say no to this bootleg. Couldn’t even recommend it for cheap. If I had a choice of the bootleg or nothing, I think nothing is a fairly compelling option for this one. The paintwork just isn’t very good, leading to large errors which spoil the overall appearance, and she will likely need a fair amount of heating and setting on the hair to get it all in the right places on arrival. We also have a rusty pair of pasties which I wouldn’t use on the figure, lest they transfer the rust to it.
As far as telling the official and bootleg apart, there’s no real confusing these two. The boxes are very different and the fact that the black lines don’t meet is a dead giveaway this is a cheaply-produced copy.