This blog will showcase three smaller figures that I won in the Urban Mine auctions as singular lots.
First up, a Spawn trading figure. The auction picture looked like this:

So I was hoping for two, but it turned out that he was out of his box, for whatever reason. But for £4.08, it was still good value for money, as these figures usually go for twice that.
Here he is:

Turns out he is a rare variant, so that might be why they were showcasing him out of the box – he seems to be a copper-coloured repaint. He’s rich with detail, and nicely painted.
Side shots:

Some nice shoulder armour going on there, and some good texturing on his cape.

His cape has a nice texture, and I love the bronze edging they’ve given it. A rare, good Western trading fig :P.
Next up, a Rider bust from Fate/Stay Night:

I’ve been wanting this since I knew it existed, but it doesn’t come up for sale often, so I jumped on the chance to bid for it… and spend more than I should’ve on it XD. Did find I could’ve probably proxy’d it for cheaper, but not by too much probably, once everything was said and done. This figure has been very well done – the sculpting and paint are all really good imo. And the chain is a chain, which is nice, but may need to ensure it doesn’t rust. Can be an issue if Rider comes with a chain!

Here is the tip of her dagger, and the hair that flows around her, plus the metal structure behind her. Everything’s nicely finished off back here.
Here’s the chain spread out:

It’s nice they have let you position the chain, but it can be a bit of a pain doing so. I love this little Rider :).
Lastly, a fairy figure from “Pocket Toy World”:

Yeah, I didn’t pay a lot for this one… it seems like it may’ve originally been bundled with a related one-shot manga, but nothing Urban Mine ever comes with the books, and the other figures in this series have no relation to each other. The painting is OK, but it’s nothing special. Has an almost garage-kit feel.

Paint is a little sloppy, but the leaves are painted nicely.

In some ways, this might be the best angle, owing to lack of paint slop. But then there are less opportunities for mistakes here in the paint. I do like her wings.
For these shots, she wouldn’t stand up on her own (spot the white-tack). but I heated her, and corrected her posture, so now she stands up on her own. An interesting buy, but I don’t think my life would be significantly different without her, lol.