Un-hiatusing my blog! First off, we have Saber and Catwoman:

Saber I bought from an MFC user, and collected on a trip down to London, Catwoman was purchased from Forbidden Planet…. also in London.
Here are some closeups of Saber:

A simple, yet attractive figure. Happy with this one, though she does like to drop her sword now and then.
Onto Catwoman:

Love the detailing and paint job on this figure… but… she has no stand holes! Which makes her more than a little annoying to pose, and you can’t really pose her dynamically, without her falling over. After she fell over a couple of times, I resorted to putting a glue dot under her foot, which has fixed the problem, at least for now. One other minor disappointment is you really want to put the side whip in the hole provided, otherwise she has a weird dent on her side. Would’ve been nice to have something else to go there, whilst she’s holding her whip.
And for the Bonus Item:

… redstone cube! This was sold as “Broken: light not working”, so I got it for £4. One strategic disassembly later, my husband saw it and kindly soldered the switch back to the board. It has a switch that dangles midair in the cube, which is formed of two cylinders. When the cube is hit, the switch is triggered. To make it sensitive enough, it has two long, thin legs, and this had snapped. One solder job later and it was fully working :).
It has three levels of brightness, which it cycles through when you hit it:

As it is aimed at kids, it also turns off after 5 minutes, which is minorly disappointing, but ah well, I won’t be flattening the battery any time soon. Gets pretty bright too, which is nice. Currently sits in random parts of the house, wherever I feel the need for more redstone 😛