Had this one shipped all the way from the US. Once I knew it existed, I had to get it, and managed to find one reasonably priced… mostly because the box had seen far better days. Impatiently waited for this, especially as it took the seller at least 5 days to dispatch:

And here’s her back, also pretty:

An’ a side shot for good measure:

Really love this figure, and it is nicely detailed. Am a bit of a sucker for cyborg creations, so this figure is right up my alley. Used to play DCUO, so kinda got into Brainiac and his creations there.
One downside of this figure was how they designed the packaging – one thing I’d read up about this figure was how it rubs against the packaging, and my was certainly not an exception:

Fortunately the missing paint on the middle dot isn’t very visible to the naked eye, so it doesn’t dent my enjoyment of this figure. Glad I was able to pick this figure up at a reasonable price, as most were more expensive base price & shipping. Also there wouldn’t have been a guarantee that the paint wouldn’t be scratched, even if I was paying more, as it was a noted issue with this figure.