First up is this mini-figure of Lala:

This figure has her wearing Peke, in his normal dress-form. Her hat was a pain – she now has a small blob of tack under it to keep in in place. It can balance on its own, but has a tendency to roll off eventually. Bad Peke!
Her face is nice and detailed, and I like her hair. The paint on her dress is OK, but looks a little blobby.

The parts on the sides of her hat look really good, though the purple band isn’t particularly neat. Hair looks fine fromthe sides.

Her hair looks good from the back, hat looks plain, not that there’s much detail to go back here.
Overall, this figure is OK for a trading figure.
Now for some dangling doodads that I bought around the same time. First up, Migi with some popcorn:

Migi, the bucket and the popcorn are painted nearly, and look good. I love this little strap, and glad I bought it.
This one is Hatchiyack from Dragon Ball Super:

This isn’t a character I’m familiar with, but I loved the design and the bright colours. The painting is neat, and he has a decent amount of detail in the sculpt.
This is helmet of
Senkou Kishi Road/Flash Knight:

Again, not a series or character I’m not familiar with, but I loved the metallic purple colouring, plus the gold colour matches well with the purple. Painting looks neat from the front, but a bit iffy on the sides. Overall, an interesting-looking strap.