Now… Sonic, from Sonic! The next three blogs will be the Sonic The Hedgehog Totaku that have been released.

Love the base for this one – they’ve emulated Green Hill Zone for these. including the stripey greens. The details are all nice and crisp on the base, and it works really well.
We also have a ring flat to the base – does look a little odd lying down, but at least it isn’t an accessory that’s easily knocked over. I also appreciate it as an extra detail.
The colours for Sonic are nice and bold, and match his in-game appearance. The pose chosen also works well. However there are a bunch of small paint flaws, some of which I find more annoying than the ones on Crash. Mine has a white dot on his left sneaker, and I don’t like rough paint above his right eye.

Here we have quite a bad seam on the lower spike. We can also see a seam in the head, but it’s blended decently enough.

Seam on his lower spike is less obnoxious on this side, but still visible. Bottom of his shoe feels a bit square – would be nice if they mad his foot taper a bit more. Not sure if it’s exactly a match for the other one, which doesn’t seem so square. His hand and arm are painted nicely though.

The spikes look good from the back, and I like the golden buckle on his shoe. Surprisingly few issues back here.
Overall, I think he’s decent, but potentially beset by paint issues. I know for a couple of the Sonic ones I did spend some time comparing, and I’m not sure if it is just a general issue or a first run issue, but these ones seemed less consistent with the paint jobs than the other Totaku I’ve looked at. However, if you’re either able to overlook or find a decently painted one, it’s a pretty nice figure.