This figure isn’t in the best condition, as I bought it from a box of “fodder” – loose figures that come as-is. Not uncommon to see fodder boxes at cons and car boot sales (UK equivalent of yard sales).
So here he is:

Paintwork is passable, sculpt is OK. I can see why these got clearanced back in the day.
However, that bump on his side does make this figure more interesting.
First press:

The lights turn on, which does look pretty neat.
Second press:

He lights up and says a line. Imo, it’s a pretty neat effect, especially for an older toy. Was also surprised the batteries weren’t flat either.

Love the profile on the helmet. Most of the orange paint on this side is neat. Not sure if the paint missing on the side is wear and tear or if it was just a poor paint job.

Paint feels more of a mess on this side, leading me to be less sure if the other side was damage, rather than a manufacturing defect. Still suspect it was damage though.

This clip is supposed to have a disc, but being fodder, the ring has probably been long lost to time. The paint hasn’t been matched up well on the battery compartment, which gives a cheap feel to the figure. Feel as if they just kind of gave up with the back.
So my conclusion is a cheapy figure with a neat gimmick. Looks OK at a distance, but the paintwork seems to have been lacking, even taking wear and tear into account.