And now for the second set o’ stuff I ordered a little while ago.
Now that I have both the orders, I now know for sure that neither of the Spawn figures would have fit in my previous order. And Scourge is a fat bastard! Got two full boxes, one slightly smaller than the other. Again, this order is a combo of store items and urban mine stuff.
And now for the figures! Took some box shots to start with, of all but one. Will explain the reason why later in the post.
First up, Pinky:cos Asuka and Rei. Been on the fence about getting these, and thought “why not?” seeing as I was doing an order anyway.

Next up, CODE:BE by Wave. I have Lilith, which is basically the solid colour version of this one, but reaaallly wanted the clear one too. Box isn’t really much to look at from the outside. Bit too opaque!

And now for some Western stuff. Even with the postage, it was cheaper to get these from Japan than buy locally/get shipped from elsewhere. These Spawn figures were roughly £5 apiece, including postage.
First up, Spiked Spawn. One thing not pictured. See later in post.

Next up, Scourge:

That’s all the boxes, now onto the things! Rei and Asuka out of their box:

I do have some bootlegs of these Pinky:cos, planning to take those to work to decorate my desk, as they’re something to pretty the place but I’m not worried if the cleaner manages to damage them.
Next up, CODE:BE. Looking a lot better outta the packaging! But the stands for these figures are a pain.

Scourge – love this dude! So many bits to fiddle with, and I love the colour scheme. His groin looks a bit odd, but I swear I’m not gonna be looking there often.

I’mma lookin’ at chu:

And the thing not pictured about the Spawn above? His stink! I knew one of the figures smelled of cigarette smoke, and this was the bugger. Was, for some reason, more apparent once out of the box! Box hadn’t been opened either, and has now been resigned to the rubbish bin. Guess that’s why he ended up in the Urban Mine auction! (As well as being a Western figure)
So in for a bath he went:

After his soak, smelling much better (though the bandolier, being soft plastic, still has a bit of a stench to it):

Aand the one you’ve all been waiting for (or probably not…) – Revoltech Alien Queen. The box for this one does have a window under a flap, but on opening the flap I was greeted with… a jumbled mess. So I was more concerned about getting it out and inspecting its condition rather than photographing it.
Fortunately, the damage to this one was minor – part of its jaw hinge had snapped off, but was in the box, so I glued that back on. One of the shortest spines has a part snapped off, but that doesn’t show too much, especially if I don’t have that side facing forward. The missing part for that however, was not in the box. Being an Urban Mine item it was a gamble, but I feel the gamble paid off, especially as I paid a lot less than one in pristine condition. Was deeply hoping none of the pieces were missing, and I feel like I lucked out on that front.
And here’s some pics of the bugger:

The tail behind is of the Neca Alien Queen. This one is the middle-sized one of the three in this cabinet. The small one is the Konami Queen.
Side shot:

All in all, really happy with the stuff I got, especially for the prices I paid. Also used manual focus with the camera for this blog post. and am happier with how the pics came out than ones I’ve taken previously. Still got a fair amount to improve on with taking photos though :D.