Ended up buying some more furniture. Got two of the glass Kallax inserts, which is what I visited IKEA for, and a CD tower – Gnedby – as I saw one in Bargain Corner, and thought “I could fit that in my house!”. The one in Bargain Corner was the wrong colour though, so one quick visit to the IKEA website later, we were off back into the storage area to pick one up in beech.
First up, the Kallax insert:

Figures in the Kallax insert. Didn’t take a photo with the door shut, due to glare. Which is the downside. It’s nice having the extra shelf & door, but I don’t think I’m going to fill out the cabinet with inserts, as there’ll be too much glare. I may alleviate some of the glare with lighting, but not got anything planned at this stage. The second Kallax insert is still boxed, and am still debating if I’m going to use it or not.
Initially I wasn’t planning to use the shelf, but after rearranging the stuff I had, it made sense to use it,and put a good chunk of the small figures in there. I now have a few open spots for bigger figures in the spare room 😀
And now for the biggie, the Gnedby:

Apologies for the slightly pants pic. Fits really well next to the sofa, and the door doesn’t hit it, and Rei looks almost cosy in there :). It is wobbly without a wall bracket, so would recommend attaching it to the wall, if you have one. Has allowed me to move a bunch o’ figures, opening up their spots for other things :D. Will consider getting another one of these in the future, as their thinness means I can probably sneak them in another couple of spots in the house :].