Went to NORCON t’other weekend, and came out with much loots. Some at the con itself, and some in Norwich itself. This blog will cover the items I bought at the con
First up, we have Deadpool! An’ a big one at that:

He’s happy to be outta the box! And apparently famished from the journey to his new home:

He came with plenty of accessories:

And two heads. First one is with half-a-mask:

And the second is this bizarre contraption!

Which has a movable jaw, and spinning propellor. Here’s a view of the side of this head:

I also got a Walter White from the same seller:

And some bonus accessories, of one not mentioned on the box:

I have one of him in a yellow biohazard suit, but I wanted a Walter that was in his normal getup, so happy to get this one, and cheap too! These Mezco figures do lack articulation, but the sculpts are detailed and well done. There’s some small areas of sloppy paint, but from a small distance, they are some nice-looking figures.
Next we have an Xenomorph Lurker from the Hiya toys.

Close-up of the xenomorph:

Closeup of the head detail:

Close-up of the facehugger:

Most of the places I’ve seen selling these, the price was too high to bother for such a small figure. On opening and playing with this figure, I’m glad to have not paid more than £15 for it. The detail is nice, but the interchangeable hands, whilst nice, seem a bit overkill for such a figure. The joints, especially at the elbows are a bit awkward. Some of them are a bit reluctant to be joints, and some aren’t particularly stiff, which is probably largely due to the joint type and size. The tail poses nicely.
Here’s a Borg figure I picked up:

This figure looked better “in the flesh” than I expected, and the price was right, so I picked it up.
This particular borg figure doesn’t seem to come up for sale as much in the UK as some of the other Playmates ones, and this one looks more detailed and nicer than the other ones. However, the accessories gave me a laugh (they weren’t visible in the packaging):

Interesting colour scheme they have there! Base isn’t properly painted (skimped around the Borg symbol) and rather cumbersome, so I switched it out for a Reaction base. Ah, figures from the 90s.
Just as I was leaving, I spotted a Species II figure I considered buying some months ago, then forgot about:

Side shot:

She also comes with this standee, but due to its size, this one’s gonna stay in storage, at least for now:

She also come with a closed-mouth head, but didn’t photograph that. Not too much to see with it.
Like the Borg figure, this is one that’s easier to get in the US than the UK, and if it does come up for auction, it’s usually a pretty high price, so was happy to get this for a tenner.
And that concludes my NORCON loot!