Finally, she’s here! Feel like I’ve been waiting a lifetime for this to be re-released, especially as her release was delayed. The re-release had good timing – had not long watched Kill La Kill, when the re-releases were announced. T’was an instant pre-order!
And she doesn’t disappoint – the joints feel good, and I love her ‘angry face’.

Full body shot:

And a shot of her back:

Love the details on this figure, and I don’t have any large complaints about her. Scissor sword in the slightly open holding hand doesn’t always like to stay put, but the other holding hands are a bit tight. Think I did heat it up a bit to get her to grip a little harder. She does come with the other half of the scissors, but decided to not put that on display.
Ryuko also looks great next to Satsuki:

Pleased to have the pair, without having to break the bank :).