This figure originally came with “Marvel Fact Files – Cosmic Special Edition #5″.
I, however, just bought the figure without the magazine:

Was drawn to this figure, due to its unusual look. Most Groot figures have him more tree-trunk-like, and this was more like spiky, angry tree. I love the shouting expression and his hairstyle.

The paint job isn’t hugely complex, but it works. Most of the niceness of this figure is in the sculpt.
Close-up of his arm:

Love the poking out parts of bark, and his hands look good, with the green emphasising his knuckles.

Looks fine from this angle too. Some asymmetry going on, which is nice.

I like the “flow” of the bark on his back. The shapes tessellate well and look good. Also a fan of that spiky hair 😀
I like this figure. The pose and facial expression convey a lot of emotion, and you can’t help but imagining him roaring. A welcome addition to my collection.