Gilbert is part of a mini-series of Bad Taste Bears, but based upon movie monsters. The series was simply titled “The Monsters!”.
Gilbert himself is a cross between a bear and Gill-Man from Creature from the Black Lagoon. So let’s take a look at him:

I love the bright blue-green colour they went with, and the mustard colour compliments the blue-green well. The texture on his scales has been sculpted well, and helps the bear-gillman cross work.

They’ve added several finned bits, which helps add to the aquatic theme. Gotta have something to counteract the shagginess!
Arm close-up:

I love the webbed hands, and think these have been sculpted and painted ell. The light green accents have been done well, and the yellow paint is within the finned parts, though there’s a tiny stray bit on one finger if you look closely.

Love the tiny little claws he has. Sculpt on the back of his hand is very effective. The shiny finish complements the aquatic themeing of the figure.

His back has the usual number and BTB icons on his back. Ignoring those, I really like his back – it completes the figure well, and we have the nice spine bits goin’ on. Again, there’s nicely-placed light accents.
Glad I was able to get him, and he was cheap too. Would recommend this figure if it appeals. Getting hold of him in the aftermarket might be hit and miss, but he seems fairly available at time of writing.