Another couple of gashapon today.
First up, Hresvelgr:

Here we have one of the Frame Arms Girls creeping out of their box. This series is ordinarily model kits by Kotobukiya, so this is what these are based on. The boxes for model kits often look like this – a plain cardboard bottom, with the artwork printed on the lid.

Aww, cute face. The reason I went for one of these gacha was because they looked so cute in their boxes.

Paint’s a bit messy, but does the job.

Top of the box isn’t a replica of the model kit boxes, but does a good job of replicating the feel.
Ram from Re:Zero:

At the time I went to Japan, there was a lot of Re:Zero merch about the place, but I haven’t seen the show. I decided the gashapon looked pretty, so decided to go for one. And I got Ram. Personally, I prefer Rem, due to the blue hair. Overall, the paint on this gashapon is OK, but a bit blobby on her hair.
Other photos:

I think this gacha has been sculpted decently well, and would make for a nice charm.