This was a figure I decided I wanted when I saw it. Came across it on Mandarake, where it quickly made its way to my basket.
Here she is:

Some of the “free” dust can still be seen on the base. This time it wasn’t my fault it was dusty! The thing that attracted me to this figure was her outfit. I like the cute look of her face, and the skintight outfit has been done nicely for a prize figure.

Here she’s leaning forward slightly, and she has a shapely upper body. I like that they’ve included some shading on her suit, instead of leaving it flat-coloured.

The creasing on her clothing looks good, and the boots have been done well. Her hair I’m not so keen on, but it does the job. Though to me, her hair doesn’t feel quite right – her hair is overly flat in places, which looks odd next to the more sculpted parts.

Hair looks good from the back – I do like the way it flows.
Overall, I’m pleased with this figure, though I do wonder how the rubberised bits will age.