This figure I tried to buy off the seller once before, but he changed his mind about selling. Then a couple of months later I saw him selling it again – kind of surprised he didn’t message me, seeing as I was willing to buy before, but ah well, messaged him and bought it.
After spending a week at a drop-off point before bring collected, she finally got to me:

And I’m definitely glad to have her in my collection. She comes pre-attached to the base, so all you need to do is give her her meat cleaver and she’s all assembled. She also demonstrates two of the things I tend to like about Kotobukiya figures – the bases are never plain, and the ‘clean’ art style and colouring that can make these figures stand out.
Close-up of her face:

She has a good smile to her, and nicely shaded hair. Her outfit is painted cleany, and looks true to the character. Her body is nicely sculpted with her collarbones and her boobs which don’t feel too overly large. The silver buckles on her straps contrast nicely and are painted well.
Close-up of her stomach:

She has a crease above her belly, and her pelvic area is sculpted, which helps her body look realistic. I also like the way her shorts are unbuttoned, but not revealing anything. The shorts have a decent amount of detail, and are a pleasing shade of blue, that compliments the figure.

Her pose is leaning forward slightly, which I think works well. It gives off a sexy vibe, without overdoing it. Her body looks trim, but not muscly, which fits the character for me.
Her boots are nicely shaded, and look like a comic version of leather, which fits the style of this figure.

Here we can see where she is holding her right arm with her left. The fingers are posed very naturally, which I like. Here we can see her larger holstered cleaver – I like these details, but these knives aren’t ‘real’, so you can’t take them out. Kinda wish you could, and decide which knife/cleaver she is holding, but it’s not a biggie.

Her back has a good amount of detail to it, with the back of her top and her shorts having pockets.
Let’s have a closer look at her upper back:

A bit of flashing or spare paint is present in the upper knot of her top. Not a dealbreaker, but a bit sloppy. The lower knot is a lot neater imo. I like the way her spine has been shaded on the back too.

Showin’ a little crack, I like the way they’ve clearly made the shorts as a separate piece. So many figures don’t have the clothes as separate pieces, so I really like it when a manufacturer does something like this. It makes a big difference to a figure imo. She might not be big in the backside department, but I think they’ve done a good job with it. The shors are really nice, with the pockets and the blue shading. There is some slightly “off” paint where the short trim is – believe this is supposed to be frayed jeans, and the shorts are cutoffs, but the effect doesn’t quite work for me. It’s a hard thing to get right, but it’s not something I’d expect to be excellent on a Koto figure. Does look a bit more like a wool trim though – think they’d need more dark blue lines in it for it to work better.
Overall, I really like this figure and glad to have it. Food Wars doesn’t have a lot of figures, so it’s nice to have a decent one in my budget. I did look at buying the Alter one, but I didn’t want to spend twice the money on a Mito Ikumi figure. If money was no object, the Alter one is likely to be a decent bit better and more realistic in its appearance, but I think this one is a solid substitute if you don’t want to spend so much.