Two figures that don’t really have anything to do with each other… but I opened both on the day of writing.
First up, Sam Flynn. Decided to pick him up at last, was one of the Disney Infinity figures I was pondering getting:

Here’s a closeup on his disc-holding hand. The scupltwork from this angle does look good:

And from the other side. His leg does look like it’s got an extra joint from this angle!

Overall, a good figure, especially for the price I paid. I wouldn’t want to pay a lot for them, so the clearance discounts on these figures has been nice.
Next up, Len Kagamine. I saw this figure on a Black Friday deal, but found it straight-up cheaper on Amazon UK. As I have a Prime trial right now, I got him the very next day after ordering. Here he is, out of the box:

D’awww. small and cute! He came in 3 pieces, plus the base. Not entirely sure why they didn’t package him assembled, lol. He even came with an instruction sheet, not that one is really needed!
Here is a shot of his right-hand side:

And one of his left:

And the obligatory back shot:

The figure is very nicely painted, and is the quality of a miniature scale. However he is tiny. I was expecting him to be small – after all, he was advertised as 1/12, but somehow getting him out of the box, he was still smaller than I thought:

Doesn’t exactly tower over the Infinity figure, but at least he has the quality of a larger scale put into the wash. I’d say he’s worth the RRP, but not much more. Largely, his price seems to have gone up in the aftermarket, but for his retail price, he’s a fine-if-small figure.