Next up, a dude inna nanosuit:

Paint job is OK, a bit rough, but does the job. Though the most intriguing thing to me is the hand posing. I mean, you can do this with him:

And he seems to be as miffed as I am about the situation. Not quite sure why they decided to mould a static pointing finger, when these figures don’t have replaceable parts.
He does come with a variety of guns, however:

… but with the single-colour paint job and the lack in depth in some places (especially the pistol) they look like painted wooden replicas.
Let’s see if the dude in the suit thinks so:

Yes, I guess he does, if he’s going to spin one on his finger like that… I guess that’s why he’s pointing :P.
Hey, look at this stash of wooden weapons I’ve found!:

Well, at least they fit in his other hand, mostly.

Looks OK on this side. Some escaping silver paint on his leg.

Some silver paint escapage here too. Shoulder seam is less visible on this side – wish all the seams were like that.

Probably the best bit of the silver painting on his back, with the spine reinforcement.
Overall, I think this one is more in the vein of a kid’s toy than a collectable. Some detail is there, but the production quality doesn’t seem to 100% be there, and the odd choice of the pointing hand. The guns with no paint accents also give it a more “toy” feel than collectable.