And this was the one I was waiting for, before I bought the other, as they’re 2 for £20 at GAME.
Managed to snag this one prior to the official release date (per GAME’s site). Was just there, chillin’ on the shelf, so I wasn’t leaving without it… and gladly they had the Feisar there too :D.
So here it is:

This ship ha a more interesting design than the other, what with having two distinct “halves”. The paintwork is nicely done, and it also has the weathering effect like the other.

This one has asymmetric paintwork, which is a nice attention to detail. Paintwork looks neat and crisp.

Love the overall shape of this one – a fair bit different from a bog-standard ship design. Also has its designation nicely painted down the middle. I also like the fact they’ve done the windows in transparent plastic, adding to the realism of the figure.

Some nice detailing in the engine area here.

They’ve actually painted down here on this one, which seems to be a step up from the previous one. Looks like they’ve learned from the last one.
And here are the pair together:

They look great together, and I’d definitely get more Wipeout ships, if they chose to release them. Even if this pair cost me £20… I’m not entirely sure they’re worth that much, but hey, captive audience unfortunately. They know how to pick their franchises!