Another figure from Devilman :). This time it’s Welvath:

… if you have monstrous faces for boobs, do they count as boobs? In the show, she has the ability to split her arms a number of times and make mouths from them. She’s a vicious, yet fancy, lady. She comes with three heads, by default she has this one, with her eye popping out. Here’s a shot with her head turned to the side:

She can definitely see you! Up close:

There’s some nice paint detail in this figure, which also can be seen in this close-up. Her tattoos are crisp, and the boob-faces are detailed.
Here’s her accessories:

In the first photo, she’s wearing the boa, and these are the other two heads. I may put the one on the left on her at one point – it’s my second favourite of the heads.
Here is a close-up of her arm:

Bitey! I love the paint on these parts.
Here is her left side:

Quite a bit of definition in the side of her chest. In her current state, she has a habit of leaning forward – at the time of writing, I have her laying down as she leaned a bit more, and I will likely bend her legs a bit to try and balance her so she doesn’t lean so much. I may end up with a gripping stand around her middle to prevent leaning, if I can’t balance her after adjusting her.
Right side:

I like her arm band, and the feet are in better focus than most of the other photos… Her toes are well-sculpted, and the paint job is nice.
Now for her back:

Not as much paint detail back here, but not sure how much it really needs it. A well-defined backside though. Again, a nice job on the mould.
Picture of her base:

She only has one peg, like all of the other Fewture figures. Tbh, she’d be better off with two, due to her pose.
The box shows the default coloured version:

Personally I much prefer this alternate colour version, as purple is one of my favourite colours. I find this to be one of the more impressive figures of the set, and I’m tempted to buy some of the others… however, some of them (like this one) have large boxes, which means they’re too big for SAL small packet, so I have to go SAL postal parcel.
I’m super-happy with this figure, and once I’ve sorted out her leanings, she’ll grace my shelves somewhere.