In my large Mandarake order, this was the only thing that wasn’t Devilman-related. Have had this in my Mandarake wishlist for a few months, for when I was ready to do an oversized order. Note this is a cast-off figure, though she does have her nipples covered, even when cast off.
Here she is, looking at her stand:

The top can be cast off, and the wings weren’t initially attached to the stand – the stand itself has two clear pegs to push them onto.
Here’s a close-up of the heart on the stand:

I guess the stand is OP :P.
And here she is on the stand:

She fits quite nicely on it, and I plan to display her on the stand. The first thing that hit me was her hair – it’s very green and to me, looks like a failed dye job. Looking back on the MFC pics, maybe some aren’t quite as distinct as mine, but one or two of the pics I looked at, there was probably some heavy post-processing. Other oddity for me is the hip crease – didn’t notice at first, but looking at it, I find it a bit strange, even if it would be accurate.
Here is her back, with her top on:

I expected her to be holding her top, but she’s not. There’s not much flexibility in the top, so this is how the figure is meant to be. Her pose from behind has “life” to it, but she works better from the front imo.
When I initially picked the box up for this figure, she was a lot smaller than I imagined, but opening her up and inspecting her, she’s a nice, quality figure worth the price. Haven’t fully decided if I’m going to display her with her top or not. Maybe I’ll switch her now and then.