Ended up getting some more Nanofigs from Asda. Not sure quite why I keep doing this… oh yeah – they’re cheap…
So first up, Joker:

Well-painted, for such a small figure. He has purple boots though… and the shiny jacket might be an acquired taste,

A little bit of an ear going on, and a very red smile. Hair has some shape to it.

Bit more definition in the green hair paint on this side. And a sea of shiny purple. Good thing I like shiny purple.

Some details in the sculpt back here. Am happy with this nanofig.
Next up, how did his ‘partner’ Harley go?

Ah. Hm. Yeah, she didn’t fare so well. Missed paint on her hair, by the bat and the lines aren’t too crisp on the jacket. Not sure what’s going on with the bat, being flesh-coloured… that doesn’t quite work. She has a full face though, unlike some of the nanofigs, which is a nice change.

Yeah, definitely evidence of some painty mess here.

Seems to be some mess going on with her hip, and her foot seems poorly moulded. Or maybe overpainted.

Faaail. A number of black marks, and not much attention paid to paint edges. You can’t see the back of the figures, and this one shows it.

Recognisably Cyborg, but he does have some mutant growths on his shoulders. There isn’t a large amount of detail in the paintwork, but what’s there has largely been done neatly.

A sea of silver. Think some definition has been lost in the legs from the thick paint apps, but probably better this than seeing through the paint.

Head paint has been done well, rest of it is what it is, lol.

Yeah, looking decent back here, no real complaints.
Overall, he’s pretty decent, but does suffer from the lack of paint details these figures have.
Lastly, Mr Freeze:

Mr Melty Face! His head looks distinctly mutant, like they couldn’t decide if it was his helmet or his head. I think it would’ve looked far better if they shortened his skull, so he didn’t have his helmet on. Paint on his left arm looks like a “yeah, that’s about right” job. Rest of the paint, such as it is, looks like it has gone where it was supposed to.

Not much definition here. Looks OK.

His glove and boot lack detail in the moulding imo, and look overly plain.

One large paint gouge here, at his mid-back :(. His left glove looks really good from this angle, with the gun… looks better here than on the front!
Overall, Mr Freeze looks OK, barring that stupid head. Argh. Goggles could’ve done with more work too.
My favourite out of these is the Joker. Harley is probably the weakest out of this set. For less than £2 each, they’re pretty decent, and better than what you can get out of some pricier blind bags. And you can pick the ones you want! Wouldn’t recommend ordering these off the internet (unless you’ve got good pics of the ones you’re buying) as the paint jobs can vary massively. Did try to pick the better looking ones, where I could. I remember there only being one Mr Freeze though.