and Another thing I added to an order on a whim – it worked out as £10.63 for 15 mini-figures
(would’ve been slightly less if the retailer didn’t screw with my order…), which is pretty cheap. These figures are supposed to be for a board game called “Battle Break” but isn’t something I’m going to play.
Looking at the sides of the box, there were 17 possible figures, and I got 13 of them, which is a good innings for random-boxed items.
First up, Lion King (獅子王):

This is the guy on the front of the boxes, and he does indeed look spiffy, though he does lack lower legs and feet. I love the hair and mane parts, and I think the colour scheme works well.
Side views:

Ah, silly-sized weapons… gotta love ‘em. I think the design is pretty inventive, and I like the claw theme, which fits with he character. Here we get a good look at his hair, and I like the way it is sculpted. The eye adds a nice contrast to the rest of the figure.

I do like the texture on his cape – has a rustic feel to it. Almost like a thatched roof type-thing.
Overall, I think this miniature is nicely sculpted and painted.
Leviathan (リヴァイアサン):

Here we have a green semitransparent dragon-y dude. I like the water effect included with this figure. What I like less is the super-obvious seam lines that don’t fit well. Not entirely convinced with the angles of his wings and head from this view. With him having a line of spikes on his stomach as well as his back, it makes it hard to notice we’re looking at the underside of his body here, which makes him look abnormally twisted until you look closer imo.

I really like the head of this figure – the shape and colours both look nice. There is a seam line on his head, but it is a lot less obnoxious than the one on his body and the wings. The translucent effect works well when viewing his right-hand side.

Here I think his pose makes more sense. The coloration looks better on the back of his wings, but we do seem to have some of the sea colour creeping through on his right one.
Overall, and OK figure. Not my favourite.
Lizard Magician (トカゲ呪術師):

Not a big fan of this brushed shading effect, but his sculpt is OK. The colours work, but aren’t anything special to me. The green ball came out well imo, and I like the design of his head.

Here we have a decent amount of sculptwork, though there seems to be some missing lines on his tail – we have indentations on the right, but not the left which looks odd. The back of his frills is nicely rendered though, and so is his spines. The other details are a bit “eh”.
Overall an OK figure, but I don’t feel it’s anything special. Fine for Poundland fodder, lol.