Was wandering through an Asda, and came across this:

The price wasn’t bad, so I decided to buy it. Cue an age-long wait at the tills as it wasn’t even in the system yet, and they had to sort it out XD. On returning home, I did some research and it’s actually a Walmart exclusive, so I’m glad I decided to buy it, as I probably wouldn’t see it again, outside of eBay XD. For those that don’t know, Asda is owned by Wal-Mart, so it’s likely to be exclusive to Asda in the UK.
As for the figure… it’s gold and very shiny! Parts of it are metal, other bits I’m pretty sure are plastic. She articulates around her waist, but it’s not in a very pleasing way to me.
Here is her left side:

The shoulder joint is a bit gappy. She’s painted well though.
Right side:

This shoulder has less of a gap, but the seam on her head is a bit more obvious on this side.
The back:

Can’t miss that CE mark :P. Her hand is nicely sclupted, and the paint is nice and crisp here too. No hiding the join between the parts of her hat though.
Happy with the figure. For me, this figure meets expectations – the price for me was slightly on the high side, but it is nicely finished for the most part. So if you like your Harley in gold, you can get this one.