Category: Eastern

Asuka Emotion Style

Been looking at this listing for some time on eBay, and decided this’d come up in the November budget, if it was still around. At one point it got delisted for some days, so thought the shop must’ve got rid of it elsewhere, but it turned up again :D. Didn’t come with box, but the price was appropriately cheap. 

So here she is, in her smiley glory! Came a lot quicker than expected, as she was sent EMS. Wasn’t expecting that!

Here’s a side shot:

She’s in a bent-over pose, hence not everything being in focus in the first shot. Does give something to the figure, rather than being a “bog standard” Asuka. 

Due to her position, she’s also showing off one of her assets:

The blackish bits are a bit odd on her back though. I’ll be mostly looking at her from the front though. She’s nicely painted and sculpted, and I rather like this figure. 

Oshino Shinobu

Decided to go though the Nippon Yasan sale, and see if there was anything unmissable. Turns out there was… and it featured… doughnuts!

I mean, a figure bathing in doughnuts, how could I not get this? I haven’t watched any of the Monogatari stuff, and I might have to now :P. Here’s a shot from the side:

Here’s a shot of her sans hat and the bathtub separated from the larger stand:

She does come out of the bathtub, but no photos shown of that here.The piece above her foot was REALLY hard to get out, and once I did, I found out why – it had been assembled prior to the paint drying ><. A couple of paint flakes adhered to the part that’s glued into the bathtub, so that part doesn’t show. For the curious, her body is just plain skin (if you want pics, there are some on MyFigureCollection). 

Now to see if my husband also tries to bathe in doughnuts… 

Wonda-Chan Rei

Been looking at the Evangelion x Wonda-Chan figures over the last couple of months, but for the size of figure, they’re usually pretty expensive. But his one turned up in Mandarake for a good price:


One of the ones I almost bought off a seller had a broken peg, on receiving it, I could understand why – the pegs are long and thin, and her legs are naturally a bit too narrow to peg straight on. For anyone getting this figure, I’d strongly recommend heating her legs to make them pliable. 

Here’s her back:


And her cute butt :). Lovely paintwork, lovely colours. Decided to just buy her on her own instead of paying a bit more for the pair, as she’s the one I really wanted :). If I see the Asuka Wanda-Chan for a good price, I’ll buy though :). 

Graceful Valkyrie

Have been thinking of getting a Valkyrie figure for a bit, but saw this colour variation on Facebook buy-sell group. One trip to Mandarake, and this one made its way over the sea to me, for at least half the price:

Compared to the other Eikoh figures I’ve got in this range, this one’s a bit on the disappointing side. Her blade was a bit scuffed up, despite her box still being sealed. Most of her is nicely painted, but she just doesn’t seem to have the same impact as the others. 

The back of her also looks kinda plasticky:

Won’t be looking at her back much, so it isn’t a big deal, but maybe a little bit of paint would’ve helped with the expanse of white. 

She has grown on me a bit since I’ve got her, so I’m not disappointed by her, and she didn’t exactly break the bank. 

Kaworu Nagisa

This is a figure I’ve had on my Mandarake favourite list for some time:

His box was smaller than I thought it would be, but seems a decent size once out of the box. Here’s his box:

I do like his suit and his pose. And blue and purple. One more for the Evangelion collection 😀

Drossel von Flugel

Decided to buy a chunk of stuff from Mandarake, and first thing into my basket was this Figma. Been looking at buying a Drossel figma, but the aftermarket prices on most sites were too much. 


And now I finally have her :D. Not familiar with the media she’s in, but love the design. The figma seems nicely detailed:


She’s nice, white n’ shiny :D. Not exactly clamouring to watch the original content, as it’s a joint Disney thing, and I don’t tend to be into anything Disney, and it’s a bunch of skits. 

Still, she’ll happily join my collection of robotic and half-robotic things 😀

Grab Box for Boys (S) – Miscellany

And here’s the rest of the stuff. that didn’t fit into the previous categories. 

Camille Noire clear files



Don’t know anything about this franchise, but some of these clear files did make me wish I actually had paper to file. Some of sides are quite nicely designed. 

Sailor Moon cake

I bet the vast majority of the people who owned this have done so through an AmiAmi grab box! Decided to put my current age on the cake. Currently is nestled among the spare room figures. 

Black Rock Shooter fan

Initially chucked this item aside, due to it being a fan. Opened it up at the end, and was pleasantly surprised, though not currently sure where I put it… Looks like it may have been an AmiAmi item, as I saw an AmiAmi fan in another loot post with the same fan “spokes” design.

Idolm@aster “carddass” cards

Ooh, shiny! Not quite sure what I’ll do with these, but I do like shiny things. That name wouldn’t fly too well in an English-speaking country though.

Not entirely sure where I put these. One day I’ll dig ‘em out and put ‘em on something. 

Futari Wa Precure art board

At the time, I wasn’t too impressed with it, but over time the design kinda grew on me. This was the first I got in this grab box, but since got a 2nd from another grab box. I’ve put the two together, and will probably, maybe put them on my wall of random stuff at some point. 

Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de badges

Might put the character badges somewhere, I like the middle one. Not got much to say about these, lol. And I still don’t, a few months down the line. 

Overall, the grab box was… OK. The ‘star’ item wasn’t something I was interested in, which brought it down somewhat, but the figures were a nice selection, and on reflection it wasn’t a bad box. 

AmiAmi Grab Box for Boys (S) – Hangables

These items fit into the ‘Hanged up’ category of MFC. Not quite as grim as it sounds – these are items like keyrings, phone charms and danglers. 

Titus Alexius

My favourite of the hanged up items I got. No familiarity with the character, but love the design, and this thing is big! The stand also makes it easy to display.

Mikasa Ackerman

I like Attack on Titan, so this was one of the first things to be added to my rails, when I added them to the study Kallax. 

Is the Order a Rabbit?

Not familiar with this anime, seen it mentioned on MFC. Initially was headed for the Drawer of Purgatory, but ended up on the hanging rail. 


These are… OK. Currently on the hanging rail, but may get “voted off” if I run outta room with quality stuff.


Not familiar with this character, but I like her design. She made it to the hanging rail 🙂 Man, that’s not a great pic I took…

Touwa Erio & Chieri Ogata

Bit of a crap photo, but I like both of these. Touwa went to the hanging rail, and Chieri hangs off the wardrobe in the bedroom. 


From a VN called Utawarerumono. Never heard of it myself. She hangs in one corner of the hanging rails, due to her size. 

And that’s it for hangables. Next will be the miscellany that came in the box

Grab Box for Boys (S) – Figures

These are the figure items that were in the box.

Asuka Langley


Probably my favourite item in the box, initially I did have this without the stand, but she does kinda need it over time, so I clipped it to her. Got more used to it, and when posed right, it doesn’t show too much. 

Sonsaku Hakufu


Only found the variant of this figure on MFC, and not a lot of pics elsewhere on the internet. Found out who she was via the copyright info on the base.

Ayase Eli


Had the fun of watching this thing wobble whilst I unboxed everything else! Not watched Love Live, so have no attachment to the character. Haven’t had any sensible offers for it, so she’s currently hiding out in a box.

Cagalli Yula Athha


Was a right arse to get on the base as the legs were bent in too much, and not the greatest paint job. She sits in one of my detolfs, and is part of a series of figures that I have now got three of, all from boxes of random. 



I like the design of this character. She sits among some other petits in one of my detolfs. 



No familiarity with this character. Getting these things onto the base is a pain! The pegs on the base don’t really do the jobs pegs are supposed to do, and she fell apart once ><. Got there in the end though.

Sheryl Nome


Prone to some of the issues of the above figure, but is a character I’m mildly more interested in.

And that’s it for figures. Tomorrow will be the hangable/keyring items. 

AmiAmi Grab Box for Boys (S)

The next set of posts are modified from a post I made to MFC… so if you’ve seen it before, that’s where it came from. 

When I ordered this box… I ended up having to wait near-on a month for it to arrive. Post was moving very slowly from Tokyo at that time. 
But arrive it did:


So, without further ado, here’s what I got.

Loot layers

With AmiAmi grab boxes, they’re put together in layers, with wrapping in between. So here’s shots of the layers. 

Loot layer 0:


The card was on top of the flaps, not seen that before.

Loot layer 1:


Loot layer 2:


Loot layer 3:


Loot layer 4:


And here’s the stuff laid out before unpacking everything:


The next few blog posts will detail the stuff that was in it. 

Sachiel-XX & Chibi Lotus

Now first for a figure I’ve been pondering buying for…. a looong time. Saw it come and go on Mandarake.. saw the price drop on Amazon for awhile, but then it started going back up, so I pulled the trigger and went for it:


Glad to finally have her, she mildly exceeded my expectations, which is good. She also came with two hands – the one with the blue rod through it, and one that matches her right hand. Yep, deffo going for the more exciting one.

Here’s her back:


Mildly shiny :). One wing balances on the support, other one doesn’t quite. Also… butt. That was a surprise butt 😛

And here’s a figure I got some time ago, and forgot to stuff in a blog… li’l chibi Black Lotus. Should’ve been posted in my Kuro-Lotus-a-thon! 


She originally came with a magazine, and frequently is super-expensive. The price I paid was prolly a bit more than she’s really worth, but not gonna be deprivin’ me of food. 


I did heat-treat some of her parts to get ‘em straight, swords looking a little bent in these photos, so may do those some day (not sure if I did originally). She has a bit more detail than I was expecting, and she stands well on her stand. 

Moar Catgirls!

I liked the other two so much… I went and bought the other two :P. The names of this pair are Takayama Maria (one in blue) and Hasegawa Kobato. 


Hasegawa came with the small bunny rabbit :D. Here’s a slightly more upwards shot:


Here they are from the back:


And a more top-down view:


Probably going to stick with the half-round bases (One came with a furry round base, and the other came with a round chequered, not furry base), and they’re currently sitting with me at the kitchen table until I get more shelving :D. 


Was browsing MFC and came across this lovely pair for sale. 


Had seen them previously on MFC, and wanted to get the set, and these came up at a good price, so had to buy. 

This one is called Mikazuki Yozora:


And the pink one is called Kashiwazaki Sena:


And here’s a shot from the back:


They both came with a furry base, but you only really need one for the pair. 

I like these two so much, that I’ve decided to order the other pair in this set from Mandarake. The seller I bought these from had previously sold the other two, so needed to source them elsewhere. 

At the time of writing, I haven’t chosen where to display them, but some stuff may move about so they get a good spot 🙂

AmiAmi Mystery Box – WTF!

And now for the dregs! The stuff that made me wtf, for one reason or another.

Let’s start out with something normal, which I didn’t know what it was at first:

Ooh, pretty card… Was scratching my head until I turned it over, and found it had copious English on it:

It’s a phone card. Don’t think I’ll have an actual use for this, but it’s the kind of phone card you’d potentially buy and not use. Obviously its previous owner didn’t. 

There was a second magnet in the box:

I guess this came with an azone doll… bit of a random thing to throw in, but hey, guess it’d be decorating the warehouse floor if it wasn’t thrown in. Seeing as I don’t buy azone dolls, this is of little interest to me. 

Who fancies something that looks like a watch strap?

But only if you want to declare you’re a tank. Or, uh, drive an M4 Sherman:

… too much Panzermadels there. It’s plastic, and feels sorta cheap (took it out of the box briefly to see what it was like), so it’s not really a quality novelty. 

Now to the most WTF-y… a CD!

So I recognised this as being from Queen’s Blade, especially as it says it across the bottom. Spiral Chaos is a PSP game, and this was an extra. I should imagine at this point, most people, like myself, was imagining this to be a soundtrack CD. Noooo, oh no. This is the oddities post! 

So my research was inconclusive, with some people calling it a “vocal CD”. I thought about trying to sell it as-is, but not being sure exactly what it was, curiosity got the better of me so I opened and played it. And what is it? Just under 7 minutes of some character quotes from the game. No idea what they’re saying, though Google Translate did get some of it! However, chunks of some of the tracks aren’t words. Not sure if the characters are in pain, fighting or um. Well. It’s hard to tell the difference with Japanese women. 

Not sure what I’m going to do with this in the long run. Play it to unsuspecting people? Slip copies of the tracks into people’s music collections? Can’t imagine it has much, if any, resale value. Not surprised it ended up in a box of random tbh! And it didn’t disappoint on the random front!

And that’s yer lot!

AmiAmi Mystery Box – non-figures

So here are the things that aren’t going to be gracing shelves. 

First item visible when I opened the box was this clear file:

It’s shiny and quite colourful, so I plan to keep it and possibly use it for filing paperwork for visiting Tokyo next year. 

Along with this were some Re:Zero game cards:

They all have the same card back, which looks like this:

Not sure what I’ll do with these. Can’t read ‘em. Third one along the top reminds me of Nui, from Kill La Kill though. 

Here’s an acrylic standee from Macross Frontier:

Had to do some research to find out she was called Matsuura Nanase. Not sure if I will keep this. 

Next up is a Sailor Moon charm:

Pretty, but I don’t have any attachment to Sailor Moon. 

Here’s a magnet from Brave Witches. The character is apparently called Karibuchi Hikari:

This particular magnet wasn’t on the MFC database, but there are others in the same set. 

Here’s a Precure Shikishi board. Had one of these before, but this is a different design:

They’re pretty, so I might put them up somewhere… when I can be bothered. Got some other pics to do first!

Here are some straps, this was a double-pack, and the characters are from Idolm@ster:

And this is Kotori from Love Live!:

Finally, for this post we have a playmat, for all your card-game-playing needs:

These characters are from KanColle. 

Mystery box finale coming tomorrow!

AmiAmi Mystery Box

This is the third mystery box I’ve got from AmiAmi, and probably the last one I’ll get for awhile, as I’ve spent rather a bit too much over the year, and this one was the weakest I’ve had. A bunch of this stuff will probably find its way to eBay/Facebook buy-sell on the run up to Christmas. 

First up, the figures. This time all the figures were trading ones. Let’s start with one from a series I know, Fate:


She’s not a character I particularly have any feelings for

(Irisviel) but, hey, Fate/Zero!

Next up is a Gundam SEED Destiny blind-box character. These seem to keep popping up, and this is the third I’ve ended up with, Mayu Asuka:


As she’s the bonus extra figure, she came with a choice of two different left arms:


Here she is, clearly on the phone:


Paint quality really is quite derp on this one, so I can see why it got traded in. 

Here’s a figure I know, but didn’t take out of the bags:


She’s Ranka Lee, from Macross Frontier. Looking at this figure on MFC, there’s a part missing. Not a very inspiring figure though, so she might get sold. hence me leaving it in the bag. 

Next up, is a tiny figure I quite like. She’s apparently Shelby from Duel Maid:




She came with two different arm types. Originally she had both sword-holding hands, but she also has splayed ones. Here’s the two not equipped:


This is apparently Aisaka Taiga from Toradora!:


She’s cute, she’s catty and I like her. OK, maybe not cute.

Next up, some mecha character called Chiha:


I have a thing for mecha-ish things, so keeping this one:

Here’s her back:


Cat… mecha… human… yep, it has it all :P. Well, maybe not trousers. She seems to have forgotten those. 

This is a K-ON! character called Nakano Azusa:


She looks OK, but I’ve never watched K-ON!, and not likely to change that, so may sell her on. 

And last for the figures, Yagami Tama from something called Sasami-san@Ganbaranai


Yep. She’s a thing. Don’t have anything to say about this one. 

And that’s it for the figures. Tomorrow, the non-figure items!

Oni Musume III

After the debacle that was the Oni Musume III purchase from Amazon UK, I looked around, and found that my best bet was the blue version from Amazon US. This time it was a fulfilled by Amazon item, so I was a lot more confident it’d be the right one this time!

And it was…


The right one this time! 

Here’s a side-view showing more of her off:


And the money shot:


Nice butt 😛 Glad to finally have her, and it’s nice having the alternate colour scheme, as a contrast to the other one. 

Bishoujo Harley Quinn

Bought this from someone in France, as it was slightly cheaper to do so… and I feel it’s one of those figures that should have been in my collection already. 

So here she is:


Love the way she’s even got two different two different colours of eye shadow. The hammer has a little peg, which is what keeps it in position, and seems to be working well thus far – she hasn’t dropped her hammer, and it stayed in place when I moved her for photographing. 

Here’s a shot showing off the hammer:


And one from the other side:


Love the pose she’s in, the striking colours and the detail in this figure. Kotobukiya put together some really nice figures, and am glad to have this one in my collection.

Parfom Saber

Been seeing these Parfom figures, and been attracted to ordering them, because it’s a rare instance of finding something attractive and cute. This was one of four I had pre-ordered. 

So here she is, outta the box:


I think they’re a little on the pricey side for what they are, but for the most part, the sculpting and painting is well done, and the articulation seems to work fine, though I’d like a little more range on her left arm for posing. 

She comes with both versions of her sword:


Which is nice. Though one thing I didn’t picture was the back of the scabbard and sword, as on the former there seems to be a minor bit of a scratch, and there is a bit of misplaced blue paint on the hilt. Not quite enough to bother complaining about for me, as I’m not likely to have the back visible. 

Here’s a side shot of her:


There is a bit of light marking above her ear, which I’m not convinced is intentional, but again, it’s not really noticeable enough to bother me. 

She also came with 2 other faces, and one other pair of hands (she has a gripping pair and a splayed pair, but I have one of each equipped), and another sword effect:


By default, she came with the “grim determination” face, but I think the smiling one fits this figure a lot better. 

If you’re prepared to pay a decent bit for a small but detailed articulated figure, then I’d say go for it, if not, I’d give it a pass. I much prefer the proportions on these figures to Nendoroids, so I’d rather pay the bit more for one of these than a Nendo. 

Kuroyukihime and more Kuroyukihime

… because you can never have too much Kuroyukihime or Black Lotus. 

Bought these two Figmas together from the same seller. The first one I really like, and intend to put her with my Silver Crow Figma, but I need to do some figure rearranging first. Due to her exclusivity she cost a pretty penny, but she’s still cool lol.


This second one was cheaper, but not sure if it was a good buy or not. 


She has some nice features – the silver butterflies, the wings and the fact she comes with a tiny li’l Arita avatar:


However, her skirt is rather odd, and doesn’t feel like it sits quite right, and the umbrella is too heavy, and has a habit of falling, and the bottom wing segments can fall off easily. Maybe I’ll find some way of sortin’ that skirt, lol…