Die-cast Black Widow & Schleich Cyborg

Found the large Black Widow die-cast figure at TK Maxx for only £3, so decided to pick her up:

Still being impressed with these Jada Toys Metals figures. There isn’t any shading, and her face could almost do with some, but the paint is accurately placed, and she has a nice finish. 

Here is her left side:

Bit of a blob here, and an unfortunate seam. 

Right side:

The seam is better done on this side, but still visible. 


Revenge of the CE logo! Screw on her back is a bit of a disappointment. 

Overall, I’m happy with this figure. I don’t think I’d pay the full RRP for it, but was a steal at £3. 

Now for Cyborg:

This is a plastic figure by Schliech that I got from Home Bargains for £2. This was the only one they had, and fortunately it doesn’t appear to have the “last figure in the shop” look. Schliech figures can have very variable paintjobs, though this one is probably largely assisted by being mostly grey. 

His left side:

Not super-detailed, but enough details to be distinctly Cyborg. Blaster seems to have the major details, and it also has this one:

Nice to have the red lens there. Though you can also see the messy paintjob on his head. Had to be at least one paint mess 😛

His back:

Again, enough detail to be distinctly Cyborgh, but not overly detailed. The use of shades of grey paint is nice, and helps it stand out. 

I wouldn’t have paid a lot for this figure, but it’s nice to have a little Cyborg to add to my collection :). 

Alter Ayanami Rei

Been thinking of buying this figure on and off, but found it on local eBay for a price too good to pass up. Did say unopened, but she may’ve been out of the box before, but she shows no marks, so all good with me 🙂

Here she is with her default hairpiece:

With her pose, she’s rather awkward to photograph, but she looks really nice irl. 

Here is a top-down picture, showing her pose:

The rest of the shots in this blog will be with her hairpiece with her interface headset, I prefer her with it. 

Here is her underside:

Certain parts of her are flat on this side, but it isn’t hugely visible from this photo. The painting is still well done on this side though, despite the fact most people won’t see much of it. 

Here she is from the front:

You get a nice look at her suit, but not her face. 

Here she is from her back:

Her backpack is nicely done, and her body well-sculpted. Also her soles are correctly detailed. 

Here is a more top-down view:

She looks nice from the top, and is probably the view you’ll mostly see. 

Unless you display her feet-first:

This is quite a cute angle for her, and you can see her face 🙂

She did come with a black base, with “Evangelion 1.0″ on it, but for me, it doesn’t add much to the figure, so I left it in the box. 

However, I do have this base:

She just fits on this base, and the mirror allows you to see more of her from above. This was the base that came with Shamsiel Shahal. 

Here she is with her body reflected:

Looking at her face:


And finally, her backside:


The paint is really well done on this figure, and especially so for an older figure. She’s quite small, and will likely fit on the palm of your hand, but if you can pick this up fora  good price, and you’re a Rei fan, i would recommend her. I picked her up for £34, though I usually see her for £45ish. Both hair pieces are well-shaded, and a great option imo. 

Metals Die Cast figures – 2.5″

Went into a local comic book shop recently, and came across these Metals Die Cast figures. I had seen some of them online recently, but this was my first time in the wild. He was doing a discount if you bought 3, so I chose four, then deliberated over another two. 

So here are my picks! Plus the first time I was using a different lens on the camera, so enjoy the higher res photography for these smaller figures

First up, Harley. Because, yes Harley :P:

There were three, and apparently I went for this one. They all had their paint flaws, but I ended up with Miss Melty Top. The fact she has eyeshadow is nice though, and the writing came out clean. 


The texture ended up a bit rough on the hair for Harley – should imagine it’s the complex shapes that didn’t quite work for it. The gold text on her back is nice though. 

Variant Harley:

I do like these colours – does give her a bit more of a sinister vibe. Didn’t notice when I was buying it, but in this photo you can see where they tried to hide an error when painting the upper half of her top. Oops. 

Next up, Poison Ivy. Here she is in her traditional colours:

I think these ones ended up with a better paint job than the Suicide Squad ones. Lovely contrast of colours.

Her back:

Ah, erm… but apparently come with the downside where the CE logo has been put prominently on the back of their heads. Her hair is a nice vibrant colour though. 

¾ view:

Short and slightly stocky. Bit of interesting green coming out of her armpit there.

New 52 Poison Ivy:

Can’t say I’m a fan of the New 52 design, but this figure turned out well. The colours complement each other well for me, and is more striking than the other pictures I’ve seen of her. Better than the DC figure I saw… 

¾ view:

Her tattoos on her face came out well. Some slop on the green paint, but these are dinky figures on a budget. 


Lovely bright, vivid orange… just.. logo. 

And thirdly, Catwoman:

I think the Catwoman figures have been painted the best, and were two of the easiest picks. The paints are lovely and shiny, and she feels very much “Catwoman”.

¾ view:



Is Catwoman now selling out? Nope, just being safe! The paint on her buckle is crisp and clean. 

Lastly, purple Catwoman:

This was one I was considering importing, because, hey, purple AND Catwoman! She’s mostly well-painted, but they’ve added a mould for her zipper pull, but didn’t paint it. Same on the one above, but I find int more noticeable. 


Same ol’ CE logo, but less shiny on her head. Silver also missed a bit on the buckle, sadly. Ah well, I’ll just admire her butt instead…

Overall, I’m impressed with these figures. They’re not super-well painted, so if you have the option to go to the shops to buy these, I’d strongly recommend it, so you can pick out the one with the best paint job. Store I went to had one case of each, so mostly I was stuck with the choice of one figure of each type, but I don’t think I did too badly. The Metals ranges seem to be decently priced, which is a surprise for a UK collector. Once they’re in more shops, I’ll probably end up getting more of the range (I think they’re only just coming into UK shops). 

And as a bonus Harley Quin LED Lite:

I got this at Christmas, but forgot to include it in the Christmas blogs. Love the bright, vibrant colours, and the quality of Lego’s printing. I’ll probably end up just displaying her instead of using her as a keyring. 

Powerloader & Alien

So this was a figure that came with a game… OK, it was Colonial Marines: Collector’s Edition. I decided to look up how much the game itself is worth out of morbid curiosity – you can buy it for £2.49, and get it posted to your door. Yeah.. 

(For those who are not in the know, Colonial Marines is notoriously terrible). 

So here’s the figure:


Maybe they should have produced this figure, and just shelved the whole game idea. I bought this for £19.50, though most of the auctions tend to run at £25-30 at time of writing. 

The paintwork on the powerloader is especially impressive – the alien is mostly done with a blue wash type of thing, which looks a little odd in places, but works from a distance. 

Let’s get a little closer to the action:


That’s one desperate xeno trying to get in there! The alien has nicely wedged itself up there, without clipping or anything. 

Let’s see how the marine feels about this:


He doesn’t look too happy about it, and also his teeth have turned to flesh! Bit sad they missed his mouth, when it looks like everything else was painted. 

Let’s see how the alien is getting along:


Bit hard to get a shot of his face, but it is nicely sculpted. Still looking hungry, I see. 

Back of the diorama:


Amazingly, they’ve even textured the back of the diorama stand! Also a lot of attention to detail in the paintwork on this side of the powerloader. Love the dirty weathering effects.

Back of the powerloader:


All the wiring and gubbins you’d expect. Plus the cute little light on the top, and the aerials. 

Now for the alien’s backside… is it as pretty?


I would say… not quite. From this angle, the blue wash looks a little blobby in places. You can see him prepairing to grab onto the powerloader’s arm for more stability, though. 

From the top:


Bit of a random shot, but came out better than expected. The detail on the alien’s head looks good, and it emphasises the alien’s pose. 

All in all, I really like this figure, and can see why it has held its value, more so than some of the other game collectables I’ve picked up over the years. The game also came with some iron-on patches and a map of the ship on tracing paper. The other touchy-feely bits were crap. I do feel I got a good figure for my money, and hey, I also have a joke present for anyone with a PS3… 

Nagisa Kaworu – G.E.M

Had my eye on this figure, then it unexpectedly came up for sale on MFC for a good price, so I had to nab him. Can’t have too much Kaworu:


Tall, lanky bugger – hopefully he’ll fit on your screen 😛

Love the shininess they’ve given him, and his hair has a good amount of shading. The red of the smaller parts of his figure has been used as an accent colour, which works well.

Left side:


A good use of different finishes in evidence here, plus the unique shape of the stand to get him into the chosen pose. Is a very minimal stand, but does make a statement. 

Right side:


Still shiny!



A nice bum, but not quite as nice as the one on the FREEing figure. Nothing to complain about here.

He’s a very striking figure, and a good one to have in an Evangelion collection. He has a simple appearance, but there is a decent amount of detail in there, if you’re looking at it. I think I slightly prefer the FREEing one over this one, but I still like him a lot. 

Queen of Pain Nendoroid

Ordered this before Christmas, and was supposed to get it between Christmas and New Year. Got half of my order, then a dispatch notice. Waited five working days, and then asked the shop where the other item was at. Turns out the fulfilment centre messed up, and the shop owner managed to rectify the issue. 

So finally, Queen of Pain:


I decided to go with the secondary faceplace, and equip the wings. This character seems to work well with Nendoroid proportions – not familiar with the character herself, but blue demon-y thing? Sign me up! 

One thing I’d say for the front is the cut for the articulation is a bit odd, though I’m not the only one to comment on that. 

Her left side:


Especially with the second faceplate, she seems to be a bit gappy in the hair. I may try to heat this at some point, and see if I can get her to go together fully. Some cute horns though 🙂

Right side:


Her ponytail articulates, which is a nice touch, and is in the lowest position here. 



The shading in her hair is nicely done, and I do like the rings in the hair. Also, copyright of Valve :P. 

Here are the other items she comes with:


The dagger can go into the hand shown, but won’t go smoothly without heat, which is why I didn’t equip it for these shots. You also get a spare joint (yeah, the GSC logo is on it, just not that side). 

Overall, I’m happy with her, as a figure. She came with less accessories than I’d expect for a Nendoroid, but that will matter to me less over time, as I don’t tend to play that much with my figures. One annoying feature is that her arms tend to pop out when you rotate them, and the bottom half of her arm can come off. This leads to you having to push the bits back fully home once you’re done moving stuff. She is cute and well-painted though. I paid about the going rate for her – I don’t think she’s worth any more than that, but she’s probably on the cheaper end for Nendos. 

Morrigan Noodle Stoppers

Ordered these, was excitedly anticipating them until I got the Yoko one, pondered cancelling order, then remembered the order with a retailer than doesn’t officially support cancellations, so decided definitely not. Fortunately I think these ones turned out better than the Yoko one. 

I ordered both variants, here they both are:


Should’ve swapped them in this shot – 1P/default coloring on the right, 2P on the left. These figures could grace your noodles whilst they’re cooking but their pose is perfect for a shelf edge. 

First up, 1P:


I love the pose chosen, and the shading in her hair is nice. The print on the leggings has been done well, and is crisp. She has a mix of shiny and non-shiny finish – was ‘promised’ for Yoko, but this shows FuRyu can do it. 

Left side:


Her hand is nicely posed, the left wing helping to keep your noodles shut. The white edging on her top doesn’t have the best finish though. For the most part, the wings were painted well – but there are a couple of lines where the purple paint wasn’t applied thick enough. 

Right side:


Yeah, she’s regardin’ you. And finding you wanting. Bit of a seam here on her leggings, but is one of the nicer ones for prize figures. 

Her back:


The shading on her hair is nice, but there is a bit of much on her hair, which I’m not sure if I can clean up. 

Close-up of her face:


It has been nicely done imo, you can just about see the dodgy painting of the orange bit though. The hair mould is crisp, but the way the paint went on, it does make it look a bit clumpy. On the 1P one, it’s not so noticeable, but it does feel a bit overly square. 

Back of the wing:





The black line I didn’t notice until I processed this photo – fortunately it usually falls into the shadows. The purple and black do provide a nice, crisp contrast.

Now onto 2P:


This one has a less shiny finish, but it’s nice to have some variety. She’s exactly the same mould as the 1P one. 

Her left:


Clothing edging does look neater on this one, and the leggings are just as spiffy. 



Same look of disapproval. But here you cna really notice the squareness of her hair. It just looks… so very square. And the yellow paint seems to emphasise this. Also she seems to have slopped some orange paint on her hand here. Oh well. 



The shading is less distinctive on this one. To the naked eye. it can look very flat, in terms of colouring, which makes the hair look more unnatural. In this shot, it doesn’t look as bad as I had in my head. 

I’m pleased with the pair, and glad I ordered both. I think the less ambitious design to the Yoko noodle stopper helped improve the quality of these figures. If I were to change something about these figures, it would be the hair, but displayed on a shelf it looks fine. My favourite parts of the figure is the paintwork on the legs and the face. Her legs are shaded very well, which makes them stand out. Would recommend these figures, if you like what you see. 

Shamsiel Shahal

Found this figure some time ago, and had it in my “to order” list. I did plan to order her in November/December, but then I spent too much and left it. Finally went for her in January. 

Here she is on her mirror base:


I rather like the mirror base – I’ll probably use it for her, but if she ends up somewhere where the mirror base doesn’t work for her, I’ll use it for some other figure. 

Here is what she looks like from the top with the mirror base:


Giving you all the angles, if she’s cast off. 

Here she is not sitting on the base:


The side joint in her outfit has a habit of being a bit loose. In regards to the paint job, the shading on her right knee is a bit odd. 

Close-up of her face:


Certainly a smiley, happy demoness! I like the way she has a tiny li’l ponytail tucked away there. 

Her left & right sides:


She looks nice from the sides, but she does have a floating hand. I may fix this at some point, but there is a chance it may fix itself. The joint for her clothing is visible in the second pic – at least it’s positioned where it doesn’t really show if you’re not casting her off. 

Her back:


I really love these transparent wings. And her tail is cute. From the back, she looks the same, cast off or not. The red nicely complements the purple and green of her outfit. 

Now to cast her off:


It took a little bit to work out how to disassemble her, and I think I made a bit of a split in her clothing :(. Fortunately it didn’t go all the way through, so I could strengthen it, if I clothe her again. She did have a couple of paint transfers on her legs, but I managed to pretty much get rid of them with an eraser. 

For casting her off, you take the legs off first, then the top will come off the neck. As far as parts removal goes, it’s only the legs and the head. 

Close-ups of her clothes:


It was the upper silver ring I damaged (assuming it wasn’t damaged before – this was a secondhand figure). Kind of amusing to see a green blob of paint – this does suggest the green paint transfer I saw was actually stray paint, rather than rubbed off. The ball and chain feel like metal, and is a nice detail. 

Here she is, reassembled and cast off:


There are some dents in her legs, where the garters “latch” onto. If you view her from certain angles, you can see these dents, but when she’s displayed, they’re not really visible. 

Here’s a close-up shot showing one of them:


Kinda wish they didn’t make dents for the garters, and just left enough room in the right spots. Probably an effort to prevent paint transfer, and keep the garters from popping out. 

Close-up of her chest:


A pair of pretty assets to finish on (the blog that is!), with some very pink nipples, lol. Her stomach is well-defined, which I like. 

Imo, both the clothed and cast off options are solid ones, so you could do either, and not feel cheated. I was a bit iffy about her when I first got her, but I’ve since warmed up to her, and think that she’s a good addition to my collection. 

Marvel’s Vision

This figure I picked up at Home Bargains. This is a very small figure that comes with a ‘spirit tank’, Sub-Ultron 011:


Was attracted by the colours,. and the fact it came with the tank accessory, to make it more interesting than the 2-figure packs. 

Here is a close-up of Vision:


For a small figure, he’s well painted, but the purple on his chest looks kind of our of place, as it appears it hasn’t been designed with the mould in mind. Looking at pictures of Vision on the internet, it’s supposed to follow some contours on his suit, which has been lost in this rendition. 

Here he is from the back:


The moulding is nice on this cape, but it’s only really kind of a bit bendy at the top. 

Which leads to his articulation being pointless:


He really doesn’t have much articulation, but he is very small. Would’ve been nice to do something with the cape so he can sit, or give him knees so you could potentially do some poses, despite the cape. 

Sub-Ultron 011:


The silver effect is nice, but the tank tracks are kinda wonky to the body, and the arms can easily fall off the body halves. Can imagine that’s kinda handy as a kid, emulating battle damage… but I don’t think they’re supposed to fall off. 

Other views of Sub-Ultron 011:


It mostly looks OK as its own thing, but researching Sub-Ultrons, I don’t think this is accurate to what it is supposed to be. Sub-Ultrons are robots, and this appears to be more of an ethereal entity, due to the large use of unpainted translucent plastic. From what I can see, they should only glow blue in places, not be mostly blue. It looks OK in its own right, but doesn’t seem very faithful for what I believe it’s supposed to be. 

Despite it being a vs set, I decided to do this:


Well, at least he can now sit, despite the cape!

Not entirely convinced by this purchase – I wouldn’t suggest spending much on this set, and this might be one of the smaller items I may pack away at some point. Still love the colours, but I’m not super-attached to it. 

Medieval Witchblade

This was a random buy in a comic book shop I visited on the way back from Salisbury. It turned out to be located in a shopping village I had visited before, and didn’t think much of. In Wandering Shop style, the shop is scheduled to move soon to a larger premises, so maybe it’ll move every time I go to visit…

Anyway, onto the figure!


Her shiny green armour is what attracted me to her. Moore collectibles tend to have their good points, but just don’t quite get there in terms of quality, so it’s always a bit should-I-shouldn’t-I when I buy them. This one was a should. Not entirely sure why they bothered to give her leg articulation, with her legs in the pose that they are. 

Here she is from the front, with some weapons equipped:


Her right hand really needs something in, due to that hole. Can’t really pose it so it won’t show, and it’s just too regular of a shape to look natural. It does hold a weapon well though. 

Here’s her shiny green arm:


I do rather like the armour on this side. Well=painted, and a good amount of detail.

Left side:


This side is a lot more mediocre, especially with the large seam line down it. Probably wouldn’t want this side visible when displaying it. 

Her back:


Some sculpted muscles in her back, not sure if they’re very lifelike. And some distinct copyright notices on her thighs. Not entirely sure why they gave her boots a seam line up the back… I do like her hair though. 

Here’s a side view, showing more of the spear:


I do like the weapons – the colours work well together, they’re nicely sculpted and look the part to me. 

She does come with a third weapon option:


So if that spear takes up too much room, you can go for the two shorter weapons. She doesn’t have anywhere to stow the third weapon, so you’ll end up with one in the figure parts drawer. 

Overall, I like the figure, but it’s not a favourite or anything. Her looks do appeal, but she has some meh-ness about her. If I was in the position where I had to downsize, she’d probably be a candidate, but I don’t think there’s much of a market for Witchblade figures out there, at least in the UK. 

And finally, I also bought this nether portal Minecraft hanger when I bought the medieval witchblade:


This will eventually go onto a new hanging rail, once I get one added :). 

Triton & Minecraft Minis

I went into Toys R Us, and they were having a sale, so I picked up the following items, plus a bunch of DC Domez, which I probably won’t blog about, as it was sadly mostly dupes. 

First up, Triton:

I’m not familiar with this character, but I liked the colours and the fact he had a fin on his head. The articulation is pretty nice for these figures – you get all the articulation points of a larger figure, though some of the joints can be a bit stiff/bendy due to the figure’s size. 

Left side:

Yep, he has a head fin :). The paint job, what there is of it, is mostly competent. Bit of slop around his boots, but isn’t particularly noticeable unless you’re looking for it. 

Right side:

Yep, is a ditto of the other side. 


He’s been sculpted back here, but some the joints look very joint-y. Head looks somewhat on the odd side. For a small figure, it’s not much of a biggie tbh. 

As a figure, he works well. Just find the RRP for these figures to be too high for something so small, despite the quality. They also don’t come with any accessories, but at least one hand posed for one, which is mildly annoying. May have to go hunt the accessory pots for stuff.

Now onto the Minecraft Minis:

Had to pick up the pack with the slime in it 😛 The slime doesn’t disappoint, and I do rather like the mooshroom too. The on-fire zombie rounds out the set – he looks fine, but isn’t a figure I’m particularly interested in. 

The sides:

The zombie is nicely asymmetric, mooshroom has the most interesting profile imo. And the slime is nicely done with its solid cube centred in translucent gunk. 

The backs:

Not much junk in these trunks, but no horror stories either. It’s a nice little set, but not one I’d pay RRP for. These fellows will find themselves nestled somewhere in one of my display shelves. Or replacing some of the blind bag rubbish that isn’t very good. 

Ranka Lee – N.A. version

In my large Mandarake order, this was the only thing that wasn’t Devilman-related. Have had this in my Mandarake wishlist for a few months, for when I was ready to do an oversized order. Note this is a cast-off figure, though she does have her nipples covered, even when cast off. 

Here she is, looking at her stand:


The top can be cast off, and the wings weren’t initially attached to the stand – the stand itself has two clear pegs to push them onto. 

Here’s a close-up of the heart on the stand:


I guess the stand is OP :P. 

And here she is on the stand:


She fits quite nicely on it, and I plan to display her on the stand. The first thing that hit me was her hair – it’s very green and to me, looks like a failed dye job. Looking back on the MFC pics, maybe some aren’t quite as distinct as mine, but one or two of the pics I looked at, there was probably some heavy post-processing. Other oddity for me is the hip crease – didn’t notice at first, but looking at it, I find it a bit strange, even if it would be accurate. 

Here is her back, with her top on:


I expected her to be holding her top, but she’s not. There’s not much flexibility in the top, so this is how the figure is meant to be. Her pose from behind has “life” to it, but she works better from the front imo. 

Now to cast her off:


Her head was quite tightly on, so I heated it some to ease it off. On mine, there’s a bit of a mark on one of the stars, and seems to be an error in manufacturing, as she was sealed. It probably is slightly more noticeable in the photo than irl. 

Right, now to put her head back on!


Her pose works really well for her cast-off option. She has a very nicely sculpted body. 

Here she is from the opposite side:


Lookin’ nice from this side. 

Her back:


She has a much cleaner appearance without the top form the back, and her pose looks a lot more like stretching. 

Chest shot:


That hair… Ah well, she’s got a nice belly goin’ on. 

I think this figure is a good demonstration that small boobs can and do work, and there’s not the need for all characters to have water balloons for a chest. Would be nice to have some more variety in anime, but hey, don’t think I’ll be particularly winning on that front. 

When I initially picked the box up for this figure, she was a lot smaller than I imagined, but opening her up and inspecting her, she’s a nice, quality figure worth the price. Haven’t fully decided if I’m going to display her with her top or not. Maybe I’ll switch her now and then. 

Devilman Lady

Had my eye on this figure for some time, but she wouldn’t fit in a SAL small packet, so it was a long time before I ordered her. Despite this, she was a bit bigger than I was expecting.

Here she is out of the box, with her accessory:


Can see why this figure is cheap to get hold of, but I still love the colour. 

Here is a ¾ view:


She’s not a bad figure, but she’s nothing amazing either. Definitely more on the “toy” side of things. Her hands have the annoying ability to pop out though, which is kind of annoying. 

Back view:


Not a huge lot to see here, not as plain as some figures, but a definite lessening of detail. 

She does come with a stand:


At first, I thought this was decorative scenery, hence it not featuring in the pics above. The arm doesn’t really slot into the hole on this dead creature. Might be able to get it in with some heat, but I don’t think it’s designed for you to put it in there. Shame, as you could play-act out the scene, if it did. 

Shot of the face:


Yeah, that’s one not-happy creature.You can also see the peg in the bottom left. She was a bit of a squish to get on, but a stand is very much needed to get her to balance. Was thinking of digging up one of my disc stands, but this one is so much cooler, now I know it’s a stand.

Back of the stand:


Yeah, nothing to see here, move along.

This figure seems to be fairly widely available. She’ll cost you far more in postage than her initial cost, but if you like her, she’s not too expensive to pick up. This figure is definitely not for everyone, so I’d only recommend buying if you like what you see here. Arm articulation works OK, though the hands can come off easily (they’re just a straight piece of plastic linking them, no ball), but the leg articulation is kinda pointless. The top of leg articulation just ends up looking funny due to the shape of her leg and being a cut joint, and she won’t balance well in most positions. I think this figure may have had more of a market if they went into full toy mode, and made the hands stay on, lol. I like her as a display piece, but I’m unfussy and love purple. And demons. 

Welvath- Highway Star ver

Another figure from Devilman :). This time it’s Welvath:


… if you have monstrous faces for boobs, do they count as boobs? In the show, she has the ability to split her arms a number of times and make mouths from them. She’s a vicious, yet fancy, lady. She comes with three heads, by default she has this one, with her eye popping out. Here’s a shot with her head turned to the side:


She can definitely see you! Up close: 


There’s some nice paint detail in this figure, which also can be seen in this close-up. Her tattoos are crisp, and the boob-faces are detailed.

Here’s her accessories:


In the first photo, she’s wearing the boa, and these are the other two heads. I may put the one on the left on her at one point – it’s my second favourite of the heads. 

Here is a close-up of her arm:


Bitey! I love the paint on these parts. 

Here is her left side:


Quite a bit of definition in the side of her chest. In her current state, she has a habit of leaning forward – at the time of writing, I have her laying down as she leaned a bit more, and I will likely bend her legs a bit to try and balance her so she doesn’t lean so much. I may end up with a gripping stand around her middle to prevent leaning, if I can’t balance her after adjusting her. 

Right side:


I like her arm band, and the feet are in better focus than most of the other photos… Her toes are well-sculpted, and the paint job is nice. 

Now for her back:


Not as much paint detail back here, but not sure how much it really needs it. A well-defined backside though. Again, a nice job on the mould. 

Picture of her base:


She only has one peg, like all of the other Fewture figures. Tbh, she’d be better off with two, due to her pose. 

The box shows the default coloured version:


Personally I much prefer this alternate colour version, as purple is one of my favourite colours. I find this to be one of the more impressive figures of the set, and I’m tempted to buy some of the others… however, some of them (like this one) have large boxes, which means they’re too big for SAL small packet, so I have to go SAL postal parcel. 

I’m super-happy with this figure, and once I’ve sorted out her leanings, she’ll grace my shelves somewhere. 


This dude is from Devliman. Saw him in the show, had to get the figure. 


Love the colouring, the spikes and the head tentacles. 

And also this base:


This base is a skeleton of Devilman. I didn’t know about these bases prior to buying this figure, and now I kind of want the rest of the set. I did look around, but it’ll be hard to get the set. Maybe one day. 

Here’s a close-up of his face:


Grrowwl. Not sure if the black wash effect really worked – it look nice in the darker areas, but a bit like dirt in other places. 

Seylos’s left:


Some nice, big well-posed clases :). Here you can see where the wash is a bit uneven, leading me to be a bit on the fence about it. 

Lastly, his back:


He has some nice head tentacles – lots o’ short ones, and the long one with the large spike. They can be moved around a bit, but they’re not actually bendy. His arm claws also look nice and menacing from this angle. 

Close-up on the tentacles:


I like the way the larger tentacle has a bunch more detail on it. Black wash looks nice on it. 

After the photoshoot, I played with the figure. He’s very poseable, and good fun to pose. The joints have a good range of motion – you can get him into some kind of sitting pose, and you can be quite expressive with him. I may choose to have him somewhere I can pick up and play with him, with his posing potential. 

Akira Fudo

This guy is the dude who became/is Devilman. This figure portrays him as his mostly human form. Without further ado, here he is:


Mmm, nice chest! And those are some very long legs, lol. I like the fact he has some metal chain accessories. He also has some very emo makeup.

Here is his right side, showing his tattoos:


The tattoos are nicely done, and there is some nice definition in the arm. His neck looks a little on the long side though, and he’s pretty shiny due to the plastic he’s been made of and the finish chosen. Fairly typical of this kind of figure.

His left side:


No tattoos here, but some good arm definition. Bracelet is nicely done.

His back:


A fair amount of attention has been paid to his back – a lot of detail in his trousers, and his muscles are well-defined.

He also comes with the Demon Mask:


It fits on head decently well – was a bit of a squish getting it on, but there he is, with his eyes staring out.

Back of the mask:


Not a super-interesting angle, but the detail is there.

Finally, you can remove his head:


And stick on a new one:


This is his half-Devilman head, with mini-head-wings. With his head being removable, you can also remove his necklace, if you so wish.

Here is a side shot showing the wings in a bit more detail:


Both the heads are solid picks imo, but I will likely display him with this one mostly. His face is too pretty for the Demon Mask, so I’ll likely display it separately.

My collection needed more sexy males, and I find he fits the bill ;).

Mico – Default ver & Limited Color ver

Note: this post will feature boobs scattered throughout. If you’re at work, you’ve now been warned. 

After failing to buy the default (green) version from Mandarake, I decided to pick up the black version (limited color ver)  in my large SAHRA order. Some time later, the green version popped up on Yahoo! Auctions Japan, so I decided to go for it, via Buyee. After bidding slightly more than intended, I managed to win her, and worked out cheaper than buying her at Y! marketplace/Amazon. 

As I ordered the limited color version first, I shall talk about her first:


Was hard to get the focus correct when photographing her, due to her monochrome nature. 

Though for a monochrome figure, she reflects the light well to give her detail:


The back moulding gives you something to look at. 

Here she is without Tollg:


She has some details in black, but most of the detail is from the light reflecting off her. On her right side, she does look to have some minor scuffing on her bottom rib, but it isn’t a biggie. 

As this one is effectively the least detailed of the three, I will likely display her in her tube:


I won’t be demoing the light feature again in this blog – all three of the tubes are the same, barring the paint colour. This one the plastic seems to be in a less scratched state than the purple Mico’s. 

Now onto normal-coloured Mico:


Happy to have her in her ‘original’ colours. Her Tollg has a different colour painted for its eyes. Kinda need to get to the part of the anime series that features her!

Here she is from the back:


Same as the backside of the purple version.

Without Tollg:


Even more neon than the purple version, especially her lips! Her vein colours match her Tollg. 

Here’s a ¾ view showing more of her veins:


Happy to have her, and really liking having most of the set – at least the ones I was interested in. 

With these two, the bases are inversions:


I found this mildly interesting :). 

Here are all three of the Micos I now own:


There is a fourth silver one, but I’m unlikely to buy it, mostly due to availability, and owning the limited black ver kinda covers the monochrome angle.

If you’re feeling adventurous, you can switch around their Tollgs for an interesting look:


I do rather like the purple Tollg on the black Mico. 

Here are the three tubes:


The darker one belongs to the black Mico, middle one is the default one, and the blue one goes with Acid Purple Mico. 

Here are the tops of the tubes, showing the matching details:


Not decided if I’m going to display them in proximity of each other or not – will probably come down to space constraints. 

Harley Quinn – Mattel ver

In all the B&Ms I’ve visited thus far, I’ve only ever seen the true peg-warmer figures of this set. Recently they were reduced to £5, but I still wasn’t interested in picking up the “meh” characters.

Then I visited Salisbury, and they happened to have just the one Harley! Whilst I didn’t like the Suicide Squad movie, I do love Harley’s look in it. 

For me, all the figures  look a little on the tubby side, but she is a bit in the movies. The figures just seem to emphasise it. This figure does have some paint flaws, but I had a choice of… this one or this one. Her left leg is also a bit gappy – not sure if I can fix that. 

Shot so you can see the bat:

To me, the bat feels too long, and looking at pics, it is too long. Though it is probably painted better than the figure, lol. I’m guessing the bat was recycled from some other figure, as it should only be as long as the writing on it. 

The sculpt isn’t super-detailed, but seems to have the important bits represented. If it wasn’t for the bits of stray paint, it’s not a bad paint job. Don’t think the figure would have been worth full price, but I have got my fiver’s worth. 

Left of Harley:

Looks OK, nothing particularly out of place, red circles on her arm give her a bit of a cheap feel. 

Right of Harley:

To me, this side seems a bit better, but there’s not a lot in it.

Her back:

Hair ends a bit flat, but she’s complete from this side. Having the clasp on her choker is a nice touch, and the straps for her holsters are nicely detailed. Is some very noticeable slop on her left boot though, from the leg paint. 

Overall, it’s not a bad figure, but it definitely has a “toy” feel to it. Kind of surprised that some of the less peg-warm-y figures didn’t hit the cheapo stores, but that’s probably due to a lack of other figures in the cheaper end being available. Maybe if the MAFEX/Figurarts ones were more available here, there may have been more that made it to the cheapo aisles. She’s an OK figure, but I wouldn’t recommend paying over the odds for her. 

Bad Taste Bears – Rustle & Henry

Bought this pair from a seller on eBay. 

First up, Rustle:


I remember seeing this one when I was younger, and wanting it for no real reason. At the time I was living at home, and would have never got away with it. Now I’m older, the bears don’t seem to be as controversial to me as I thought they were at the time. They’re also well made imo, 

Here is a side shot:


Definitely looks like he’s having a good rustle from this angle!

And the back:


Not much to say about this angle – has all the detail you’d expect. 

Next up, Henry:


Not quite a Henry hoover, but I’m thinking the lawyers would have something to say if it was. Certainly seems happy with his vacuum cleaner, even if it doesn’t share his name. Love the face given to the vacuum. 

Shot of the back:


Again, not much to say here. Fur texture’s nicely done.

Couldn’t resist another couple of these cheeky bears, and they also have a strange nostalgic element to me. I got them pretty cheap, and I’m happy with my purchases.

Parfom Gwendolyn

This figure I was on the fence about ordering, up until her near-release. Went for it, without many days to go. Then she got delayed ><.

Fiiiinally in the new year she turned up!

And wow, is she pretty! These Parfom figures aren’t exactly cheap, but I’m definitely impressed with this one. My only real complaint is the chest articulation, as it tends to look a little odd if she’s not dead-centre. Oh, and the branches to assemble on the “fancy” stand were a pain!

Here she is on the stand sideways:

Her small wings look quite cute. 

Back, on the stand:

Here you can see where the detailed base slots over the clear base. Initially, I didn’t realise it did this, and thought she had to balance on it. I then looked her up on MFC, and saw the arm of the clear stand in one picture, and figured it out. Her arm joints do look a little strange from the back, plus some gapping from the aforementioned chest joint. 

Left side:

The leaves were much of a pain in the backside to put on than they look. There’s only small dents where they hook in, and no reference pics in the instructions. They’re also not poseable – I split a glued joint whilst trying to figure out how they were supposed to go on the thinner one (on right of pic above). Fortunately it was just some weak glue that gave way, so I glued it back together. 

She she comes with three faces:

… and that wasn’t one of them. 

Shocked face:

Sleeping face:

The semiserious face is in the other shots, so no real need for another close-up. 

She has some large wings you can use instead of the small ones:

From the front:

They also have a joint, so they’re poseable:

Initially I wasn’t planning on using them, but after taking these photos, I changed my mind. 

And here is a pose of her on the base with her large wings:


Here she is with the shield, which I didn’t pose her with:

I love the range of accessories the figure comes with, and the colours and design of this character really appeals to me, so glad to have bought at least one version of her. 

The next few pics go into detail of the accessories she comes with, and the base, so if this post isn’t enthralling, feel free to stop reading here.

All of the Parfoms come with a clear base:

These bases can be locked together, using some connectors that come with them, but I don’t see myself doing that.

This is how the base fits into the fancy base:

Kinda wish the other Parfoms came with some kind of “stage”, or you could buy one separately to suit them. Maybe they’ll do the latter if enough people suggest it. This one really adds to the figure, without being too massive. 

Spare parts:

The small red blob is initially attached into the bottom of the berries she’s holding in the above pics. If you want her to hold the berries, you swap in a piece that has a clear plastic bit for her to hold, but if you just want them in the scene, you can leave the red blob in, and it looks like a full set of berries. 

Here’s the large wings, when not plugged into her body:

The smaller wings just have a static plastic rod to attach them, which I think is enough for them. The real fun is in these larger wings :). 

And here’s some pantsu, for those who read this far:

Not totally hiding the articulation gaps, but doing the job!